Is dipping worst than smoking cigarettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is dipping worst than smoking cigarettes”,you can compare them.

Many health advocates say that snuff dipping is as bad or worse than smoking because of the high levels of nicotine + chemicals. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is dipping worst than smoking cigarettes
What is worse for you, smoking cigarettes or dipping tobacco??
Both are pretty bad. That is like asking which is worse: Getting your throat cut or getting your head cut off.
What is worse for your robustness? smoking cigarettes or chewing …?
Probably smoking , but not by much. Smoking exposes you to mouth, throat and lung cancer , in appendix to other heart and lung problems. Chewing removes the lung cancer risk but greatly increases the mouth and throat cancer risk In the end …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is worse for you, smoking cigarettes or dipping tobacco?
A: Both are pretty bad. That is like asking which is worse: Getting your throat cut or getting your head cut off.
Chew, snuff, and dip are just as bad as smoking cigarettes.?
Q: Chew, snuff, and dip are just as bad as smoking cigarettes. A. True B. False
A: True.. but.. They dont effect the others around you.. Unlike cigarettes which cause sufforing from second hand smoke.So.. I guess that could make them NOT as bad for the others around you.. but they ARE as bad for the user.
Smoking cigarettes dipped in lysol.?
Q: please no smoking is bad bullshit, i get that enough. what happens if you dip a cigarette in lysol, let it dry, then smoke it? a few friends say it gives an intense euphoria, but id rather not take their word for it and end up dying. yes, i prefer the word of complete strangers.
A: i think that that sounds stupid but ill probably go try it.
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