Is cocaine a depressant

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is cocaine a depressant”,you can compare them.

Nope. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug. The powdered hydrochloride salt form of cocaine can be snorted or injected [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is cocaine a depressant
What is the depressants of crack cocaine?
crack is a stimulant not a depressant.
Why is is dangerous to mix cocaine with alcohol and also anti dep…?
It is good that you are asking, and I am not judging you. I think it is important that you seek help to ween yourself off of mixing all of these together. The effects of tranquillizers and sleeping pills include incoordination and impaired …
Is cocaine an upper or downer?
Cocaine is a downer and it is very bad to use

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Who first classified alcohol as a depressant and cocaine as a stimulant?
A: People who classified dugs into various categories !!!Alcohol is classified as a depressant because it slows down the central nervous system, causing a decrease in motor coordination, reaction time and intellectual performance. At high doses, the respiratory system slows down drastically and can cause a coma or death.Cocaine is a stimulant but is not normally prescribed therapeutically for its stimulant properties, although it sees clinical use as a local anesthetic, particularly in ophthalmology.
Is cocaine a depressant or an stimulant? why?
A: It is a stimulant and one of the hardest drug habits to break..Pity the person addicted to this drug or any drug!
Is cocaine a depressant drug? true or false plz i need help for homework?
A: false
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