If you have a hit of pot how long does it stay in your system

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Marijuana can stay in your system anywhere from 3 days to 90 days,depending on how much THC-the drug component-your body stores. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-a-hit-of-pot-how-long-does-it-stay-in-your-system ]
More Answers to “If you have a hit of pot how long does it stay in your system
How long will one hit of pot stay in the bodies system??
approx 30 days. But the levels of “THC” will depend on your body weight, how how much pot you inhailed with your hit. As a rule, 1 hit could possibly stay for 30 days. If you have low fat levels, and drink alot of water, it is pos…
How Long Does A Couple Hits Of Pot Stay In Your System??
If thats all you have had is a couple hits in the past 30 days you can flush with lots of water for a day and it would be gone- but if you smoke a couple hits regularly, tetracannibinol stays in the system within the fat cells for up to 30 …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does Pot stay in your system?
Q: I smoked pot a little over 3 weeks but only hit it twice. It was just your average pot. Nothing great but nothing awful. The last time before that was a few months. I have to take a drug test in 2 days. Will I be ok? Im a little bigger than average but I exercise really hard about 3 days a week.Im drinking about 8 glasses of water a day and have been for the past 2 days.
A: You’ll be okay, people will say “oh, it stays in your system for 30 days!” No, it doesn’t unless you smoke everyday.
How long will one hit of pot stay in the bodies system?
A: approx 30 days. But the levels of “THC” will depend on your body weight, how how much pot you inhailed with your hit. As a rule, 1 hit could possibly stay for 30 days. If you have low fat levels, and drink alot of water, it is possible for the levels of thc to be so miniscule they would go undetected. I hope you found the answer you are looking for!
How long does marijuana stay in your system for a non-pot smoker and you take only a few hits?
Q: I never smoke pot, but I took 7-10 hits about 3 days ago. I was informed that I and my other coworkers will be drug tested within the month. I have a moderately fast metabolism. Will this stuff be out of my system?The 7-10 hits was my first time smoking pot.The test will be urine.I’m underweight for my age and height. 5’9″ and 135 pounds. Not a lot of fat on me.I did not experience a high from the pot either. I don’t think I even smoked it right. 😛
A: The good news: you didn’t smoke much, so it will clear out of your system relatively quickly. More in-depth advice and info:Things not to do:1. Don’t panic.2. Don’t listen to the idiots on here you who seem to take pleasure attacking you with the lines like “pot is evil” and BS like that. You were experimenting.It’s weed, folks. Booze and cigarettes do far more damage to your body, and people don’t ask questions like this to get a moral lecture from some idiot who will drink themselves silly and smoke a pack a day, but want to put you in jail for smoking a joint.3. Don’t believe all of the stoners on here who heard of some friend of a friend who drank a gallon of vinegar or ate 159 cranberry juice pills or spent $75 to buy tea off the internet. Although these guys have good intentions, most of that stuff is also BS and just doesn’t work.Things to do:Listen to experts on the matter who have actually researched the problem and can give good advice. Check out NORML, and this paper that outlines some good ideas and advice:http://www.norml.org/pdf_files/norml_dru…What they say, in a nutshell:1. Don’t give a test sample with your first pee in the morning. Drug metabolites build up overnight, and you want them as diluted as possible.2. Drink as many fluids as possible for 2-3 hours before the test. Water is best. The water will dilute your pee and might drive the concentration of drug metabolites down below the testing threshold. 3. Take B vitamins in that time period. The B vitamins will cause your pee to still look yellow instead of looking clear. The regular daily dose will do the trick. Clear urine can make a tester suspicious that you’re trying to dilute your pee, which, of course, you are.4. You can usually buy a “practice” test for about $15 from the corner drug store. Then you can be sure. Also, the website www.passyourtest.com has a lot of good research in regard to how long different drugs are detectable in your system, what the different types of drug tests are and how effective they are, etc. They also have a bunch of products they will try to sell you to clean you out, but I don’t put much stock in those, and they’re pretty expensive. But the website is worth a look just for the info.Best of luck.
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