How to pass a marijuana drug test

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How to pass a marijuana drug test”,you can compare them.

Obviously, your best bet is to be drug free at the time of the test. I would recommend two months of drug abstinence beforehand. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to pass a marijuana drug test
If you masterbate just before you have to take your test you can pass. Just make sure not to urinate between the time you masterbate and the time you pee. This will cause your test to contain higher levels of protein and the results will be…
Well the only thing about thc is it is stored in the fat cells so at the time you take the test you have to make sure that the thc is not in the blood or urine which means exercise should be avoided at least a week in advance from the test …
Drug examine has grown into a popular phenomena around the earth. Many societies perform drug tests on freshly hired people or present employees to secure a drug-free environment at workplace. Insurance agencies and courts guide drug trials…

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Q: My bf needs some advice on how to pass a drug test tomorrow for a job. Do most jobs check for things like “ready Clean”?
A: It depends on:1. The test in question (Urine, Hair, Blood)2. The levels that they test for3. If they test for cleaning agentsSome places have a “zero” tolerance policy… meaning if even a hint of any illicit substance shows up in your test you fail – if it is a urine test that uses the Federal standard… about a week without use and lots of water will work.If it is a hair test… you are screwed if you smoked in the past 3 monthsBlood tests are rare – but can show for longer than urine tests…. hair tests are the ones you really have to worry about. Just about any test… if he smoked the day or two before he is probably screwed.
How do I pass a marijuana drug test?
Q: I smoke fairly regularly, but need to pass a test. I stopped a week ago, but want to be sure I can pass. I need the job. For those of you who will tell me to quit smoking weed, thank you. I have, but I want to be positively certain that I will turn up negative results.
A: Well the only thing about thc is it is stored in the fat cells so at the time you take the test you have to make sure that the thc is not in the blood or urine which means exercise should be avoided at least a week in advance from the test because the body will burn the fat cells and the thc will re enter the blood in urine. drinking lots of water to the point ur urine is diluted would help but my friend swears on sure gell it is a small yellow box found in grocery stores with the perservatives. its cheap about a buck each. You mix it with your favorite flavor of kool aid a biggggg glass and then you down it make sure to stir it really well because it starts to take the form of gell pretty quickly! u need to do this about a hour and a half before your test and you need to pee at least two times before your test, maybe three but no more. make sure you drink lots of water. keep an extra box just in case you get called back for another test because it could show up not negative but not positive and they might, but only might re test u. I had to do it once i passed. Make sure to pee twice before and drink it at least an hour and a half before. Good luck…. ps my friend smokes allllllll the time and has used it four times
how can i pass a drug (marijuana) test in a week?
Q: I’m a social smoker who smokes only about once a week. How can i pass a drug test within a week? I am very limited on money, so i cannot buy 50 dollar detox. Home remedies welcome.
A: BUY NIACIN. You can get it at whole foods, any vitamin store, and possibly the local drug store. Take it the day before. It definitly isnt 50 dollars. Should pass you with flying colors.If you really dont want to do that, try drinking cranberry juice. A lot of it. Its not the best drink in the world but if you want it to work you hav to keep drinking it. OR cranberry pills. – (also at the stores listed above)
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