How to act drunk

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How to act drunk”,you can compare them.

Here it is: Slur your speech and forget what you were saying half-way through. Drunks can’t seem to control their speech, so..MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to act drunk
・ 1 Slur your speech and forget what you were saying half-way through. Drunks can’t seem to control their… ・ 2 Use foul language often, even if it serves no purpose. Bad drunks cuss every other word, whether someone… ・ 3 Lose your balan…
・ What drunks do is try to act sober, so to act drunk, you must incorporate the affects specifically where… ・ Let out random expletives. You probably know some good ones. These work best when fired as an insult… ・ Let your eyes glaze ov…
well depends on what level of drunkiness they are but usually they act out of stupidity cause they cannot think clearly and it makes it hard for you to do things so when people get drunk they get crazy

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Q: My school is going to do Spoon River Anthology for our drama performance and I am going to audition for the role of Chase Henry, the town “drunkard” and I am supposed to act totally wasted. I am 14 and have never been drunk so I’m not exactly sure how I should act.
A: Don’t worry I’ve got your back—my old acting teacher taught me this one. There is one big trick1. Change your tactics! Go from yelling to crying to whispering to begging to snubbing to shaking to anything else you can think ofDo these and do them quickly. Let’s say your line is: “A man went to the store and bought eggs, milk, flour, and butter.”Simple line right? Here’s how you would say it if you were drunkA MAN WENT TO the store and (as you tear up and scream) bought eggs, milk, (suddenly whisper) flour and (laugh incredulously) bu- hahahaha-tter!!!!TaDa! Trust me, it will help you!Glad i could help=]♥
why do i feel drunk or act drunk, when i am with my friends who drinks?
Q: i am non alchoholic person who dont drinks and never drank. when i go party or for lunch, when my mates get drunk, i feel sort of drunk u can say, because i tend to say more jokes and laugh alot. why i feel drunk and act like that?
A: probably because you think you have to act that way.
How do you act drunk during a read through?
Q: For my acting class I am doing a read through. My Character a middle aged women who is progressively becomming more and more drunk. Since I cannot use my body movements, I need to learn to SOUND like I am going from sober to tipsee to drunk. Help?
A: cjpurple got it right; people who are drunk are doing their best to not sound drunk. They talk slowly, trying very hard to pronounce their words correctly. There’s one little thing that I notice with drunks: often they do a little exhale that puffs out their cheeks a little bit, like they were softly saying “puh.”
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