How much weed can you smoke on the weekends

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much weed can you smoke on the weekends”,you can compare them.

I do not smoke marijuana, but there has been no recorded deaths from usage of marijuana. Thanks for using ChaCha, have a nice day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much weed can you smoke on the weekends
How can i get my future gf to let me smoke weed on weekends??
It sounds to me its a choice between her and the weed. Choose the one that brings the most happiness to your life.
Can i pass urine test if i smoked weed this weekend for the first…?
Don’t listen to these amateurs. THC is stored in the fatty-glands and takes a minimum of 1-month to pass through the system. Most commonly made mistakes people think: “If you smoke only once a year you’ll be fine!” Wrong! You can …
What is more unhealthy?smoke weed everyday or do harddrugs only i…?
It really depends on what you mean by hard drugs. Having an E or two, or a trip over the weekend isn’t that bad – taking a lot of base speed or crack would be far worse for example. Smoking weed all the time will probably have more of an im…

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IS IT bad to SMOKe WEED. on the weekends only, but on weekdays workout, and be be fit.?
Q: i run and workout on the weekdays, i keep up on the school work with A’sbut on the weekends i love smoking weed with my friends, it makes food and everything better but im not dumb to getinto other stuffbut is it bad?do you think?
A: I think if you’re asking the question ‘Is it bad to smoke weed?’……you’ve already smoked too much!!!
hi! i smoke weed on weekends with tobacco but dnt smoke fags!?
Q: hi i smoke weed on weekends with tobacco and have been doing so for 2 months or so, is it likely i will get addicted to tobacco, i havnt seemed to yet, should i smoke my joints using silk cut silvers which contain 0.1mg of nicotine just to be safe? a 10 pack of silk cut silver is one single regal fag or less
A: You’re a douche bag :/
How can i get my future gf to let me smoke weed on weekends?
Q: I really like this girl and we known each other for at least a month.i know it sounds ridiculous to some of you,but i really like her.i don’t love her yet,but i like her a lot.We are both 14 years of age,and i have a slight problem.She and I had an argument.It was about her going out with this other guy because we live 30 mins away from each other so she tried to just stay friends with me instead of ruining things.So i was smoking weed with my friend…i do this occasionally.Then after the argument,i called her back and told her i was sorry and i would quit weed for her forever.I have kept my promise i’m 3 days sober and willing to go as far as possible.But now I regret promising her forever..we are about to go out…so i don’t want to just ask her if i could smoke every weekend and ruin everything.She was okay before with the weekend thing,but now she is strict about the smoking.I Think i should control MYSELF,but i really like her a lot and don’t want to lose her.Help please??First of all,I’m not a loser.I Go to school,have a gps of 3.4,Dont drink alcohol,Dont do drugs,I just smoke weed occasionally.And Guess what,I WILL quit smoking for her so that’s about it.Thanks for every reply.And it’s not illegal in every state for god’s sake learn something.Just because i smoke weed doesn’t mean i am a loser.i have a goal in life to be in engineering school and graduate from university.Another thing i would point out is: Smoking weed hasn’t killed anyone yet so stop with that please.It is not my WHOLE life.i still play sports do activities and be myself.Why do you think im gonna be a loser in life just because of weed?CMON people grow up.People who dont do anything are LOSERS too,theres every type of person in this life,so stop being so ignorant.Okay this is my LAST update.She also smokes..and drinks.But doesn’t smoke more than me.So to all the people who told me she cares about me and im not worth it,think about what you said please.Im Starting to think i am the one who is taking this situation too tight.
A: It sounds to me its a choice between her and the weed. Choose the one that brings the most happiness to your life.
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