How much alcohol does it take to kill you

Health related question in topics Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How much alcohol does it take to kill you”,you can compare them.

Most authorities place this dose at about .40% BAC, or about five times the legal limit. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much alcohol does it take to kill you
to KILL you, thats a tough question, I mean at least 30. I would think. I am about 130 lbs and I can do 15 and not be feeling it and the next second wake up on the floor not remembering a damn thing after the last shot. so I mean its a toug…
not entirely sure really as i’ve tried so often. I suppose the closest was at the vegas scooter rally in 2007. so i’m told, we started with a quarter of a litre of JD each, then some beers, half a bottle of port toasting something or other,…
Well fuster I have to say that if you’re honest with yourself you’ll acknowledge that since you can’t even handle Mrs. Fuster on one of your best days, the most 21 yr. olds you could hope to handle would be 2 and then only if mrs. fuster wa…

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How much alcohol does it take to kill you?
Q: How many shots of Vodka does it take to kill a man about 150 ibs.
A: to KILL you, thats a tough question, I mean at least 30. I would think. I am about 130 lbs and I can do 15 and not be feeling it and the next second wake up on the floor not remembering a damn thing after the last shot. so I mean its a tough question my guess would be like 35 shotsish.
How long does alcohol take to kill germs?
Q: I’m pierced and I usually soak my body jewelery[sp] in alcohol for about 10 minutes and then rinse them off in hot water, but I’m being lazy, and I’m pretty sure I can let them soak for a shorter amount of time. Does alcohol kill germs right on the spot er what??ugh, rude much?:|and for the record it’s not hot tap water, but thanks for answering anyway.
A: When I’m cleaning my jewelry I usually take them off @ night put them in alcohol or vinegar and leave them there till morning. Then when I wake up I scrub with an old toothbrush.I don’t know if alcohol kills germs on the spot, sorry.
For people that have consumed too much alcohol too fast, how exactly does it kill them?
Q: I’ve heard of people that have died because of the consumption of too much alcohol. I have also heard of people that have died when consuming alcohol with other substances. How exactly does high blood alcohol levels kill a person?
A: Alcohol is a depressant, and it slows down the body. The more Alcohol you have the more saturates your brain. And if you have too much, then your body slows down and you black out. Drink too much and you will go into a coma or die. I know because most my family died kuz of drinking too much alcohol and I have taken classes on this.
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