How many people does marijuana kill a year

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Marijuana smoking isn’t harmless, but at least it won’t kill you……… Keep on ChaCha’ing! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people does marijuana kill a year
How can people believe marijuana is harmless when hundreds of cop…?
Marijuana in and of itself is largely harmless when used responsibly. It’s certainly no more harmful than alcohol or tobacco. I don’t think you can support your claim that “hundreds of cops” are killed because of marijuana every y…
What drug kills more people a year, Aspirin, or marijuana??
“aspirin overdose accounts for more hospital admissions in the United States each, year than any other drug-10 percent of all- adverse drug reactions in U.S. hospitals are caused by aspirin. Aspirin also causes hundreds of deaths in th…
What drug killed more people this year, Oxycontin, or marijuana??
no no no.. you need to ask: “What drug killed more people this year: Aspirin or marijuana.” thats something more people can relate with.. the answer is aspirin. 16,000 deaths a year are caused by it so write to your reps and tell …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many people does marijuana kill per year?
A: None… The drug itself has never once in the thousands and thousands of years that people have been using it has a single human ever “OD’d” on the stuff.It is totally impossible to use enough marijuana to actually have the drug itself kill you…BUTAs with every other intoxicating substance on earth… Stupid people have done stupid things while on the drug that have lead to death…Marijuana, in and of itself, is 100X safer to use then alcohol.Alcohol destroys your brain, stomach, intestines, colon, liver, kidneys… If it is an organ inside your body… Alcohol will hurt it in one way or another…And alcohol addiction is a CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY. Marijuana can change the way your brain functions if you use too much for too long and the PSYCHOLOGICAL addiction can get pretty intense…But other then that… There is no harm that marijuana causes to the body… Oh… Lung issues if you consume it through smoking it… Which you don’t have to do and is actually a less effective way to get your money’s worth out of the product.If you go nuts and do it all the time, it can ruin your life just as fast and as bad as any other drug on earth…Weed won’t make you OD but you can lose your job and family as quickly on weed as you do on Heroin… As with ALL other drugs… using them is a responsibility… Alcohol causes 10x more death and destruction, not to mention economic loss, as weed does…
How many drug dealers and normal people are killed over Marijuana every year?
Q: I need to know about how many people are killed from Marijuana, not just by smoking but also by dealing it is killed on average per year.
A: 10000
Alcoholics kill many every year but its legal, why is marijuana illegal?
Q: My question is this. alcohol deaths kill many every year but in society a person is considered square if they dont drink, and its legal. Marijuana on the other hand we dont hear of drivers losing control of their car when using it. why then is marijuana illegal when the more dangerous drug of alcohol is legal and so readily available? does that make sense?
A: It has been linked with the development of schizophrenia and higher rates of lung disease than tobacco smokers currently have according to scientists.Then there are the other side effects such as paranoia and lethargy, not too mention the fact that driving when stoned is equally as bad if not worse than driving while drunk.Marijuana itself is also a very different and much more powerful drug than it was a few decades ago, and the THC levels have massively increased.A study published in the British Medical Journal found those using cannabis before the age of 15 are four times as likely to develop psychotic illness by 26. A Lancet study in 2007 estimated that 14 per cent of 15- to 34-year-olds affected by schizophrenia are ill because of heavy cannabis use. And recent analysis of 35 major studies concluded that cannabis use increased the risk of psychotic illness later in life by approximately 40 per cent and by up to 200 per cent among heavy users.
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