How many drinks does it take to get alcohol poisoning

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How many drinks does it take to get alcohol poisoning”,you can compare them.

It depends on your body’s ability to digest the alcohol. 0.4 blood alcohol level can cause coma or death in most people. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many drinks does it take to get alcohol poisoning
How do you get back the urge to drink after alcohol poisoning? Ho…?
It took me a long time before I had another drink. And I was never able to drink past a little tipsy after that. I never drank a lot before. I had just gotten a ‘Dear John’ letter from my husband and the father of my twin boys. It was New Y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many drinks to get alcohol poisoning?
Q: I am 5’8″ and 140 pounds. How many drinks does it take before I would start having problems, and what would those problems be?I have drank a twelve pack before in about 4 hours and I was pretty out of it but I was alright. Thanks everyone for your answers so far. I’m not planning on being really stupid, I just want to be safe and ensure I don’t reach that dangerous limit.
A: Well it probably depends on also on how much you have had to eat before drinking alcohol. Eating a full meal before engaging in such an activity would greatly decrease the onset of alcohol poisoning, thus allowing you to drink more. To answer your question, I would say that a twelve pack of any beer (more than 5.0 ABV), or .25 L of liqueur (besides everclear), or .85 L of wine would probably “poison” you given your weight and height.Cheers
Why does drinking different types of alcohol drinks give you alcohol poisoning?
A: Certain drinks get absorb through the body at different rates dude. Like beer and wine coolers and crap are carbonated so they hit you faster. But like hard alcohol takes longer to go through your system especially if its mixed with something. So like if you been drinking beer all night and then switch to shots, the shots are going to take longer to go threw your system and get you more drunk, and since your already drunk your probably are just going to keep throwing back more and sooner or later it will hit you and may be too much
How many drinks can get the average 9th grader alcohol poisoning?
Q: I have a friend who goes to parties with her older brothers and they have alcohol at these parties. Last time she had 11 drinks and she was so drunk she couldn’t work her phone. I’m really worried about her. She’s about 5’8 and I don’t know her weight, but it’s probably between 150 and 175. How many drinks at one party could poison her?
A: She needs help. She’s could have died “last time,” and she might well die next time. Her brothers obviously don’t give a &%@#$ about her safety. If you really are a friend, you need to do something. Talk to her parents. Call the cops next time there’s a party. Talk to a counselor at school. Don’t worry about ratting her out. You probably seriously will save either her life or someone else’s.If she’s drinking this much now, she could have incurable liver disease by the time she’s 25. And I ain’t joking. Get her some help. She’ll hate you short-term. Do the right thing anyway.
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