How many cigarettes are in a carton

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How many cigarettes are in a carton”,you can compare them.

There are 20 cigarettes per pack, and 10 packs per carton, so there are 200 cigarettes in a carton. Thanks and ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many cigarettes are in a carton
Where can i find……? like a big carton of candy cigarettes??
See if you can find an independently-owned candy shop near you; sometimes they stock things like that. Candy cigarettes are hard to find these days, what with the whole rabid anti-tobacco campaign thing going on
How many packs of cigarettes are in one carton??
there are as many as u want if u rob the place you could have 100000 in 1 carton so smoke till u cant smoke nomo mother lovers
Where do you buy a carton of cigarettes?
Most everywhere sells cigarettes; just look in a gas station. (Although I highly recommend not smoking; it really damages your lungs.)

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How many packs are in a carton of cigarettes?
Q: I know it is a dumb question but I have always been curious and for $45 per carton there must be a lot cigarettes in there
A: and not to mention 20 cigeretts per pack, usualy it is only a lil cheaper to buy a carton for the small discount but but if u divide it up its not cheaper by much
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Q: how much is it? whats the limit per person?
A: I believe its 4 or 200 grams, but you can easily bypass this rule by having a friend buy some too.
How many Packs of cigarettes in one carton?
Q: 6, 8, 10, 12 ?
A: 10. The End.
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