How long is an acid trip

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long is an acid trip”,you can compare them.

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More Answers to “How long is an acid trip
How long does an acid trip last?
It depends on the person but usually about 6-8 hours. It can last up to like 14 hours for some.
How long do you trip on acid?
“I have a lot of experience with LSD. That is some craaazzzyyy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiitt. One time when i was trippin on my banana board, i saw Kurt Cobain on the back of a fat giraffe in mcdonalds naked. HE ran towards me so I got out of the…
How long should I wait between acid trips?
acid isnt a case of seein wt u want to see, its different everytime, so each time is a different experience, i have done acid a fair few times and despite having done it many times i still have had bad trips. me and my boyfriend were doin i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does an acid trip last?
Q: i’m having an argument with someone on how long they last, uhh it’s a weird conversation but it’s funny and i wanna get my it a few hours?
A: 6-8 hours of actually tripping. About 8-14 hours total with after effects.The primary effects of LSD last for 6-8 hours. For most people there is an additional period of time (2-6 hrs) where it is difficult to go to sleep and there is definitely a noticeable difference from everyday reality, but which is not strong enough to be considered ‘tripping’An effective way of ending an acid trip early and going to sleep is using Xanax.
How long does it take for my friend to return to normal after an acid trip?
Q: He took 10 hits of LSD in 72 hours. He is not thinking straight right now, and seems anxiety free. I really need a valid answer.
A: Number 1 and number 2 are WRONG. They’ve both fallen for the propaganda. I’ve done this myself, and it took me about 2 weeks to be totally back to normal ( I was a little stupid/ weird after ). It mostly depends on your friend, how weak/strong minded he is, experience, and the quality of the acid.
what do you know about Bill Walton 23 year long acid trip
Q: i just read a story on it at little hard to believe
A: Bamma laugh butt off. Bamma read story. Bamma say man who write on drug. Bamma say better than nations inquring minds. Bamma say Walton shoot Kennedy. Bamma say he no can live with self. Bamma say Walton on drug ever since. Bamma say he buy from Larry Birds mother. Bamma say she from Cuba. Bamma say he knew something fishy. Bamma say that Walton guy always bug Bamma. Bamma know why now. Bamma say thanks for true honest story. Bamma otta know.
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