How long does it take to get beer out of your system

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take to get beer out of your system”,you can compare them.

90% is metabolized at the rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration (or one beer) every hour. 10% leaves through… MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to get beer out of your system
How long does it take to get beer out of your system?
basically, one hour for every beer that you drank. This is after you have stopped drinking.
How long does beer take get out system?
A common bottle of beer contains an ounce of alcohol (like a glass of wine or a mixed drink with a shot of hard liquor) and the body disposes of about an ounce an hour. Depending on your weight and thus your blood alcohol level [BAL], one “…
How Long Dose It Take Beer To Get Out Of Your System??
It can take 80 hours or five days to get out of your system. Alcohol itself can not remain for longer duration because it is metabolized and excreted quickly. But one of its metabolites can stay for longer duration and can be test for 80 ho…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to get beer out of your system?
Q: completely out of your body
A: That depends entirely upon your individual metabolism and the amount of alcohol you consumed. The only way to get a real answer is to buy a Breathalyzer and test yourself with a known quantity of alcohol in your system.
how long does it take a 24 oz of beer to be out of your system?
Q: if i drink today but have to test tomorrow will i be okay?Or what should i do?
A: Drink ALOT of water and it should be out of your system in 2-3 hours depending how well you hold your alcohol… If you get drunk easily and you are drunk after that maybe 4-5 hours
how long would it take for one beer to be out of your system for a piss drug test? results?
Q: how long would it take for one beer to be out of your system for a piss drug test. how long will it take for me to get results?ive taken the test at about 9:30 a.m in monday and i drank the beer and 9:00 p.m saturday.
A: Alcohol will be WAY out of your system by then…..and one beer won’t show anyway……they only test for alcohol for crimes believed to be committed under the influence……Christopher K.
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