How long does it take for someone to become addicted to smoking cigarettes

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All it takes is one cigarette! to become hooked on smoking. smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer ChaCha again [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for someone to become addicted to smoking cigarettes
How long does it take before a person becomes addicted to smoking…?
Nicotine, on its own, is not extremely addictive. Not so much as to make it as hard to quit as most people find. The most difficult part of cigarette addiction is habbit and association. When someone smoke for years the hardest times when q…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long does it take before a person becomes addicted to smoking cigarettes?
Q: I smoke when out drinking (often) but not that much more – maybe one a day otherwise, and was wondering if I will develope an addiction to nicotine at this rate.
A: Nicotine, on its own, is not extremely addictive. Not so much as to make it as hard to quit as most people find. The most difficult part of cigarette addiction is habbit and association. When someone smoke for years the hardest times when quitting are the (social drinking smokes) and the after meal smokes. The taste of booze triggers association and intensifies the nicotine cravings.If you have been smoking while drinking for a few months… you’re hooked. Just try not to smoke while drinking. It will then start creeping in your every day routine.Your scenario is exactly how I got smoking… and is exactly why I have 3 failed attempts at quitting.
How long does it take for someone to become addicted to cigarettes?
Q: I know people who are trying to quit smoking and are having a really hard time. I also know people who been smoking on and off for a long time and claim that they aren’t addicted, they just like to smoke. They said that if they run out of cigarettes or don’t have time then they don’t smoke but that they don’t feel the “need” to have a cigarette. I wonder how long it takes to be addicted and if it is different for different people.
A: As you have suspected, everyone reacts differently. My husband is one of the “addicted” types. He quit many years ago, but he could never just smoke one or two cigarettes. I smoked sometimes and not others, and could go for weeks without having any cigarettes…I was never addicted. It depends on your personal chemistry and personality.
How long does it take to become addicted to cigarettes?
Q: I like smoking but I don’t smoke alot. I usually only smoke when I’m really stressed or bored but I don’t want to get addicted. How long does it usually take? What are some early signs of addiction that I should look for so I know when to stop?Don’t preach about how unhealthy cigarettes are. I know. I took health class too. If you’re going to answer, answer my question don’t talk about your own ideas
A: i know its not what you want to hear but that’s how everybody started smoking….the best think would be for you to stop smoking especially when you are stressed. i know of at least 8 people who have started smoking that way plus myself.
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