How is it that alcohol takes over your body

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How is it that alcohol takes over your body”,you can compare them.

The alcohol flows through the blood stream and is metabolized by the liver, where the alcohol is broken down by enzymes. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is it that alcohol takes over your body
How Long Does It Take For Alcohol To Leave The Body??
It usually takes about 12 hours but i would drink plenty of water as well!
How long does it take for alcohol to get out of your body??
While it varies from person to person, it generally takes one hour per drink to leave your system. One drink is one 12oz. beer, a one oz. shot, or 4 oz. or wine. 7 drinks, in theory, should be out of your system in roughly 7 hours. After 24…
What Happens when Alcohol is Taken into the Body??
Alcohol was manufactured for many good reasons and not mainly for consumption. It is extensively used in the chemical manufacturing industry for various goods. Meanwhile, alcohol is injurious in its effect on the body because it is a poison…

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Does being anemic affect the way alcohol takes affect on your body?
Q: I have been becoming drunk easier these days, its like my tollerance has weakened, but i thought as you drink more it gets stronger? I am a vegetarian and am anemic, and wondering if the iron deficiency has anything to do with it?
A: ur body wont get stronger from drinking more it make it weaker from being a anemic. Be careful i not telling u to stop drinking but don’t drink to much. i have a family member that died from drinking and being a anemic. Also get enough protein and iron.
What is the maximum amount of alcohol your body can take?
Q: What is the maximum amount of alcohol your body can take? In other words, how much alcohol is dangerous to your body. Let’s say you’re not going to drive or do anything, just sitting in your chair.
A: I’m 6’0 150 pounds.In one stint of 30 hours I drank….46 beers, 5 shots of Crown Royal, and a bottle of champagne.I am pretty sure that’s about the limit for someone my size. Roughly 54 drinks in a day.
How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate in your body?
Q: I have heard it takes the liver one hour. So if I had one drink, in one hour there would be no sign of alcohol in my body? I have also heard that for every drink you have, it takes that many hours for it to disappear. Anyone know about this? thanks.
A: I would say it’s based on your body type, how much you had to drink, your weight to height proportion, etc.
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