How hard is it to stop smoking cold turkey

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This is certainly the cheapest, oldest, and simplest method: just stop smoking. If you are serious, then it’s not hard for long. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How hard is it to stop smoking cold turkey
How to Stop Smoking Cold Turkey
・ 1 The first step in how to successfully stop smoking cold turkey is to think positively. You cannot expect… ・ 2 This next step may surprise you, but it’s what has worked for those two friends I mentioned earlier… ・ 3 It’s also a good …
How to Stop Smoking Marijuana Cold Turkey
・ 1 First of all you must give yourself a “Smokers Grace Period”. And do some deep thinking about why you… ・ 2 Next thing you want to do is be able to accept this as the change you want to make, cause it’s about… ・ 3 Last but …
Is Stopping Smoking Cold Turkey Possible?
You may have heard lots of people quitting smoking cold turkey. This approach is used by the more ‘brave’ smokers that are ab… Post a comment Share

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what is better to stop smoking cold turkey or slowly?
Q: ive been smoking for about 4 years and need to stop. i smoked about a 1/2 a pack a day. so is it better to quit cold turkey or ween off them? how long dose the hardest part last? if you know of any tips that worked for you please let me know.
A: Slowly is better (even though both are better than smoking) as there are many side effects for going cold turkey as result of nicotine withdrawal.Withdrawal in the First Two Weeks Because the first two weeks are so critical in determining quitting failure rates, smokers should not be shy about seeking all the help they can during this period. Withdrawal symptoms begin as soon as four hours after the last cigarette, generally peak in intensity at three to five days, and disappear after two weeks. They include both physical and mental symptoms.Physical Symptoms. During the quitting process people should consider the following physical symptoms of withdrawal as they were recuperating from a disease and treat them accordingly as they would any physical symptoms: Tingling in the hands and feet Sweating Intestinal disorders (cramps, nausea) Headache Cold symptoms as the lungs begin to clear (sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problem) The first few weeks after quitting smoking are usually the most difficult and it’s safe to say that it normally takes at least 8-12 weeks before a person starts to feel comfortable with their new lifestyle change of being an ex-smoker. Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal. For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but only temporary. Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months.Mental and Emotional Symptoms. Tension and craving build up during periods of withdrawal, sometimes to a nearly intolerable point. One European study found that the incidence of workplace accidents increases on No Smoking Day, a day in which up to 2 million smokers either reduce the amount they smoke or abstain altogether.Nearly every moderate to heavy smoker experiences more than one of the following strong emotional and mental responses to withdrawal. Feelings of being an infant: temper tantrums, intense needs, feelings of dependency, a state of near paralysis. Insomnia Mental confusion Vagueness Irritability Anxiety Depression is common in the short and long term. In the short term it may mimic the feelings of grief felt when a loved one is lost. As foolish as it sounds, a smoker should plan on a period of actual mourning in order to get through the early withdrawal depression. Anger and Mood SwingsAnger is part of the quitting process. You don’t have to have a reason to feel that way, you just do. Accept it, vent it safely. Deal with the irritating situation by dealing with your feelings rather than suppressing them. Say what’s on your mind without blowing your stack. Anger openly expressed or kept inside creates tension which may create the need for a cigarette. Reducing the tension will reduce your desire for a cigarette. Discuss your anger with your buddy. Take a walk. Do deep breathing exercises.Constipation, gas, stomach painConstipation is caused by intestinal movement decreases for a brief period. It will normally last for several weeks.Drink plenty of liquids (6-8 glasses of water daily); add roughage to diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, bran); go for walks. Depression & DespairFind a substitute reward to smoking. Deal with your emotions. Call your support buddy. Use positive self-talk. Don’t cut yourself down; build yourself up. Don’t allow a self-defeatist attitude (I’m no good, I can’t do this). This can lead to a decreased sense of control and a drop in self-esteem. Think of success, not failure! It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or confused in the first few smoke-free weeks. These feelings will pass but If the depression does not appear to be going away, take it seriously and consult your doctor.DizzinessYour body is getting extra oxygen like it hasn’t seen for a long time. Get fresh air, go for a walk, change positions slowly. It will last several days and will go away.FatigueNicotine is a stimulant. 2 to 4 weeks. Get extra sleep and more exercise; take naps; don’t push yourself. If you feel tired when you first wake up, do some moderate exercises and take a cool shower. Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day to speed up the healing process.InsomniaNicotine affects brain wave function. This can influence sleep patterns and dreams about smoking are common. 1 week Take a hot, relaxing bath, avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, pop) after 6:00pm Try relaxing at bedtime with a glass of warm milk, deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Work on a hobby. Irritability, grouchy, tenseThe body is craving for nicotine. Tobacco smokers are in
Tips on quiting smoking cold turkey?
Q: I really want to quite smoking and I’m having a hard time kicking the habit. I really need to stop now since I’ve developed some bronchitis that use to be a cold. I wanna stop but have little to no will power. Whats the best way to quite cold turkey and stay on the wagon? What will keep me from breaking down in the middle of the day and lighting up?
A: Go to the doctor and get some help. They can put you on a combination of a certain type of antidepressant short-term combined with the nicotine patch that makes it a LOT easier. You don’t have to do it for very long but it gets you over the hurdle of the addiction.
How to quite smoking grass cold turkey without joining a program?
Q: I have been smoking grass for ten years and now that i need to stop but i find it hard because i’ll miss doing it. I need positive suggestions on how to quite smoking. I already know the side effects on smoking grass. I only need to know how did other people stop cold turkey. Please keep your negative narrow minded suggestions to yourselves! I need help not to be made to feel more worse than i already feel.
A: Habit is hard to break ( Very hard to quit cold turkey, it is what it is… however, if you want to be smart about it and figure out what keeps you there than you can quit. I know what keeps me smoking is the smoke and holding a cigarette in my hand and inhaling it after I ate… Obviously I miss it too much when I can’t smoke after food or when I’m excited or when I’m on the phone… you got the idea. Smoking is my safe haven for a lot of things. So, I go smart and I got on the internet to see what I can do to quit. I found it….. next sentence will sound like I’m selling the product, which I am, however, this will give you a start and you can do your own homework to see what keeps you smoking. I found electronic cigarettes that simulate smoke… which is what I am really missing when I want to smoke. So I bought it, tried it and I love it. Do you homework on what keeps you smoking and hit the internet in search for your addiction. My site will give you a start.
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