How does smoking marijuana weaken your immune system

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How does smoking marijuana weaken your immune system”,you can compare them.

Marijuana impairs immune system if you take it in extremely high doses. Thanks for asking your friend, Claus! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does smoking marijuana weaken your immune system
Does smoking marijuana weaken your immune system?
There is no medical evidence that marijuana users are more susceptible to infections than nonusers. There is no evidence that marijuana users are more susceptible to STDs. However, smoking anything, tobacco or marijuana, does increase the r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does smoking marijuana weaken your immune system?
Q: are you more likely to suffer from illnesses (flu, common cold) if you smoke marijuana? please include sources if you can!
A: There is no medical evidence that marijuana users are more susceptible to infections than nonusers. There is no evidence that marijuana users are more susceptible to STDs.However, smoking anything, tobacco or marijuana, does increase the risk of lung infections.For research to support this go to:www.pubmed.govUse their search engine and type in words like immunosuppression, infection, marijuana, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and you’ll find research to support this.
Would occasional smoking weaken your immune system, like regular smoking?
Q: I smoke cigarettes and marijuana occasionally, sometimes everyday for a week, then not at all for a month.It seems like when I do, I almost always catch a cold.I had always heard that smoking (cigarettes) weakens your immune system, but I figured it was over a long period of time, not instantly.Is it just coincidence or would smoking affect my immune system that quickly?
A: It’s not coincidence… respiratory problems and smoking go hand-in-hand, but you probably caught a cold because the smoke irritated your sinuses and lungs more than weakened your immune system. I’ve been a smoker for several years, And while I don’t catch the flu or strep any more than I ever have, I do get a lot of sinus infections because I smoke. That has little to do with my immune system.I’m not going to be one of those morons who gets on here and says CIGARETTES KILL blah blah blah, because you know smoking is dangerous, so my advice as a smoker is, quit now.
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