How does meth makes you feel

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How does meth makes you feel”,you can compare them.

Recent studies in chronic methamphetamine abusers have also revealed severe structural & functional changes in areas of the MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does meth makes you feel
How does Meth make YOU feel?
I’ve gotten really diff types of effects from varying administrations of meth though I’ve only had experience with it a few times (in the shard form) 1st time insufflated – felt the most euphoric i have in my life (bar MDMA), sat in one pos…
What does oxy cotton and crystal meth make you feel like??
Makes you feel EXTREMELY happy, like everything is perfect and you are exactly where you are meant to be in life at that second. Everything is great. Everything seems fast and life kinda cuts in and out. It’s like a dream and the happiness …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does meth make you feel?
Q: White I don’t recommend or use drugs, I have tried several of them. I am just wondering why meth is so popular. I have never tried it, and don’t intend to… but there most be a reason why so many people use it. Does it invoke feelings similar to those caused by using cocaine or exctasy? Just curious! Also, I’m on the East coast… why is meth more popular on the West coast? I don’t think I have ever heard of anyone with a meth problem here. Thanks for your answers guys.
wat is the drug besides meth that makes you feel like superman?
Q: the drug that makes your adrenaline pump and would help you in a fight…hypotheticallyspeed, X, etc ????
A: Caffeine! 🙂
I was just curious…. how does crystal meth make you feel and act?
Q: no i don’t plan on trying it….. but i think my friend does it..
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