How does lsd effect your brain

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How does lsd effect your brain”,you can compare them.

LSD can cause drug-induced psychosis. This means you may no longer know what is real or be able to think straight. More? ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does lsd effect your brain
How exactly does LSD effect the brain? what does it do to create …?
LSD is a serotonin (5-HT) receptor agonist. This means that it binds to the serotonin receptors in your brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter primarily in control of the emotional/sensory systems of the brain, and it is closely associated …
Does LSD kill brain cells and effect your brain??
Absolutely, categorically, without a doubt. LSD is a neurotoxin (fancy word for brain poison). It is extremely potent. The actual drug is a liquid, which is soaked into blotter paper or gel tablets or sugar cubes or whatever. Typical doses …
Does LSD have any long term harmful effects on the brain??
As quoted from The Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence – There are no known physical dangers attributable to long term LSD use. In particular there is no reliable evidence that LSD causes brain damage or damage to future children. Ad…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What physical effect does LSD have on your brain and body?
Q: Only facts please, no bias opinions.
A: My fact is, I have done lots and lots. From Mescaline, to blodder, window pane, paper and on and on. I never had any physical problems unless I fell down laughing. BUT……… I had friends that just kept doubling doses to get high, and yes, I seen smart people get a little cooky. It’s not an everyday kinda drug. It won’t get you as high day after day, and you try to take more and that doesn’t work either. I get high on nature now. It’s free, legal, and is an amazing high
Does LSD kill brain cells and effect your brain?
A: Absolutely, categorically, without a doubt. LSD is a neurotoxin (fancy word for brain poison). It is extremely potent. The actual drug is a liquid, which is soaked into blotter paper or gel tablets or sugar cubes or whatever. Typical doses are measured in micrograms. Think about that. A micro gram is one millionth of a gram. It only takes that small of an amount to cause all of those experiences. Like I said, potent stuff.LSD has been shown to cause long term depression, which means that you will either have to walk around wishing you were dead the rest of your life, or take anti-depressants everyday, which may not work and will give you bad side effects. LSD is also highly suspect in many cases of schizophrenia and other psychiatric and mood disorders. These side effects may not show up until ten years after your last dose.Here is a link to a website that came up during a random search for info on this .
what does Lsd really do to your brain? In terms of physical effect, not psychological?
Q: Does ANYONE know for sure??
A: Nothing, at all.I mean nothingFrom a physical aspect, LSD is one of the safest drugs you can take.
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