How does a person feel when they are high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How does a person feel when they are high”,you can compare them.

Some marijuana users feel nothing at all, others feel “comfortably numb” and relaxed, many feel hungry and get the “munchies”. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a person feel when they are high
How does a person feel when they have high blood pressure of 135/…?
This level is not too high so one does not feel any difference.
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does a person feel when they have high blood pressure of 135/90?
A: This level is not too high so one does not feel any difference.
Can eating a lot of chocolate make a person feel high or something less intense?
Q: I get where I eat too much and then feel panicy. I feel almost high from it at times. Depending on how much I eat, I feel like I have withdrawal symptoms after wards as well!!! So tell me, is chocolate like addictive and acts like a drug???
A: Breathing in too much of things like Sharpies and Nail Polish Remover make you high, but eating chocolate?Chocolate won’t make you high, but can make you pretty hyper if you have too much. Chocolate has an ingredient ( can’t spell it ) that is also in coffee which is the whole caffeine thing in coffee. Chocolate is addictive. It won’t be the only thing you’ll eat but you’ll eat less often of things like veggies and meat. I love chocolate, but I don’t eat it too much unless I’m stressed or I am sad. Chocolate for some reason pumps up your brain an helps you get back in the “good mood”. Studies all over the U.S. has shown just a hershey kiss helps a stressed mother feel unstressed for a while. Chocolate is good in a moderate amount, but isn’t good in big amounts especially for people with diabetes or that are overweight. If you can just have 4 segments of a hershey bar or 4 hershey kisses every day, you will stop having too much chocolate and stop feeling “high”. So IS chocolate addictive? Well, yes. Extremely. It can act as a stress drug in some sorts. But it is a drug for your body. I’m not saying don’t have it cause its a drug, I’m saying its not GOOD for your body in large amounts. Don’t lay down that HUGE chocolate bar you’re holding. Just take a couple segments out and then stick it in the freezer ( to keep it from melting ) with a note stuck to it saying, “Hello, have you all ready have your share of me? Please let me be until tomorrow.” or something like that. That will keep you from coming back to get more, soon enough you won’t even need that note. It will just be stuck right there in your mind everytime you want more. What I am saying is chocolate is yummy and is addictive, but don’t let it go completely. Just take a little bit at a time and don’t come back for more or you won’t have anymore. Just try my tips, i know I’m not a top contributor, but who knows until they try? Just give it a shot, please? HEY!!! Who stole my chocolate bar?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL →PeRfeCtiOn←
How should a person feel when singing high note?
Q: should we pull our voice downwards when singing it high, because i tend to break with falsetto if i don’t. What’s the method to sing high noe basically for a male singer. Forward our jaw out. I think it’s wrong. Lol!!
A: because of right breathing and sound-making a singer feels lightheaded, others a bit dizzy.if the throat hurts, then definitely the performer is not singing right.hope this helps 🙂
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