How do you shoot up herion

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you shoot up herion”,you can compare them.

Place a chunk in a clean spoon. Squirt water into the spoon with a syringe and mix. With a syringe, shoot into the vein vertical. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you shoot up herion
What is Heroin?
Heroin is a derivative of morphine first produced as a cough suppressant, pain medication and step-down drug for morphine addicts in the late 19th century.  Until 1914, Heroin was available via prescription from a physician and before that …
How do you know if someone is on heroin?
About two years ago i was a severe addict myself, until i checked myself in to rehab after overdosing. In the early stages of my heroin addiction there wasn’t much change in me physically, but i was distant, and i tried very hard to keep …
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my moms friend used to heroin before she went into rehab and she shot it up the brides lasted a few weeks. But if they are I’m rehab and they aren’t allowed to leave then I woulnt worry about it. If they are able to leave without someone wi…

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So if i shoot up herion, could i then see god?
Q: i really want to meet god so bad…i just want to say hi do you need any help!!!
A: If you OD !HEB 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, but after this the judgment: Upon you death you will stand before a Holy God and give account of what you did about JESUS !
do you Shoot or SNort herion?
Q: do you Shoot or SNort herion?i just watned to kno cause my sis and i are in a debate!
A: Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive drug. It is both the most abused and the most rapidly acting of the opiates. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder or as the black sticky substance known on the streets as “black tar heroin.” Although purer heroin is becoming more common, most street heroin is “cut” with other drugs or with substances such as sugar, starch, powdered milk, or quinine. Street heroin can also be cut with strychnine or other poisons. Because heroin abusers do not know the actual strength of the drug or its true contents, they are at risk of overdose or death. Heroin also poses special problems because of the transmission of HIV and other diseases that can occur from sharing needles or other injection equipment.
found my roommate, shooting up with Herion. How do I confront him? I care about this person deeply.?
Q: He doesn’t know I know do to a conviently placed webcam.
A: He can help himself after he realizes that he has a problem. I know you care about him, but I would suggest putting some distance between the two of you (move) until/if he completes a recovery program. A user uses drugs and people. It doesn’t make him a bad person, but that’s the way things are. Good luck, and be a good friend because he’ll need one.Webcam? Hmmm. It would be against my ethics to use one.YMMV
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