How do you know if someone is an alcoholic

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Some signs of an alcoholic are: Continuing to drink even though you have health problems that are affected or caused by MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know if someone is an alcoholic
As a recovering alcoholic you ask a good question? When alcohol becomes your father’s 1st love more than family or anything else, he is an alcoholic. If however he was drinking heavily 12 years ago, it won’t be long until he is consuming t…
An alcoholic lacks control over their drinking and will continue to drink even though they know that it’s causing problems in their lives. Alcoholics generally develop psychological dependence first and crave alcohol but don’t experience un…
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependence, is a disease that includes the following four symptoms:—alcohol.php

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If an alcoholic drinks 6 beers in 1 hour and a someone who rarely drinks does the same?
Q: If an alcoholic drinks 6 beers in 1 hour and a someone who rarely drinks does the same. They weigh the same and are both males. They also ate the same food and same amount. Will they have the same BAC level why or why not?It is more dangerous for the person who never drinks?
A: Assuming both people are of equal weight… the alcoholic will probably have a higher BAC for two reasons. He would have alcohol in his system already. AND his weakened system is not able to metabolize alcohol as fast as a normal healthy body. However…because his tolerance levels are higher he won’t show the effects of the alcohol as bad as the novice drinker. It is equally dangerous to both drinkers to overindulge in drinking. The alcoholic for the same reasons mentioned above. His weakened health and already high alcohol levels make him a candidate for stroke and possible heart attack if not alcohol poisoning. The novice drinker may suffer the same fate due to the shock on his body’s system.Although…I doubt a six pack is enough to pose a threat.
What would you do if someone you knew was an alcoholic and a drug addict?
Q: I believe someone I care about is an acoholic. I also know he is addicted to cannabis. Some of you may believe that cannabis is not addictive, but he has smoked it every day for over 10 years and now he can’t function without it. I think he is an alcoholic because he can’t go 24 hours without a drink. He will drink in the morning on the weekend, drinks every evening, and will drink at lunchtime if he can. He drinks cider or beer. I have tried to to talk to him about it but he refuses to admit he has a problem. When I try to be kind he just changes the subject, laughs or gets angry. If I get cross about it he walks out. He won’t see his doctor and I don’t know what else to do. He is horrible when he is drunk and just as bad when he is stoned.How can I help him to see he needs help?Trev, I haven’t known him for 10 years you ****, but I have loved him for 1.
A: I was in love with an alcoholic. I naively believed that we could turn his problem around and that all he needed was love, support, time and understanding. Silly me. I gave 100% of myself for nearly 3 years, always putting myself second and him first, never getting angry or putting him down etc. I mopped up his sick and patched up his wounds.What did I get? No thanks, that’s for sure. He resented me for trying to keep him away from his object of desire, I got blamed for his drinking and coldly dumped many times.The truth is with being with an alcoholic is that there are 3 of you in the relationship (him, you and the booze/weed), and YOU WILL NEVER win. I was told that, but didn’t believe it – now I do believe it.Denial is a massive component of most addictive disorders. It’s the denial talking when he laughs the problem off, denies there’s a problem, makes excuses for why he drinks etc etc. Basically, it’s never the addicts fault (that’s the way they see it)….it’s always someone else’s fault why they’re on a binge or whatever. It might be stress at work that ‘makes’ them drink (they don’t see that it’s their faulty dealing with stress).When you say you ‘don’t know what else to do’…I feel sad. I used to think like this. The reality, and please dont be fooled into thinking otherwise, is that there is nothing else for you to do, YOU CANNOT HELP HIM. Only he can help himself. Until he’s ready to even tell himself he has a problem, then there’s nothing you can do.Try visiting AA online. There are relative/significant other help sites too.If you keep on trying to help him, he is likely to perceive you as a nag and someone to be avoided. Do yourself a favour and tell yourself that although you love this man, it is not your problem, it is his and his alone.Sorry to sound so harsh, but it is fact. Most relationships where one person is alcoholic end this way. I have made a promise to myself that if I ever meet a man who has addiction problems, I will not become involved with him because my life is too short to be drained away by such problems. I learned the hard way, and ended up on anti-depressants for my sins.Regards, and sorry for your situation.
How much beer does someone need to drink on a daily basis to be considered an alcoholic?
Q: I’m concerned for someone close to me. I’ve talked to them and they just get angry and retaliate and deny but they drink on a daily basis. Mainly beer now but it used to be harder alcohol. So how many beers a day considers you an alcoholic?
A: to drink daily… is unhealthy at best. but is your friend go without beer..when it is around. ? . if she says i am not going to drink..can she follow through.or if she says she is only going to have two..and ends up having ten. does she drink until she passes our or runs out? does she lack control. it is about a lot of things. tolerance._ does it take more or less for her to get drunk?.. how it interfers with daily life. has this person had arguments.. lost job.. missed work… or school. has this persons health been affected. personality change. getting angry when questioned about drinking is not good sign either. there are alcoholics.. who only drink on weekends. .or when they have money. sometimes one beer is too many. your friend may need some intervention . if this friend is young.. she may be abusing alcohol right now. but it would only be a matter of time. however you mentioned the hard i would try to get professional help. are her family members concerned as well.?
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