How do you grow flavored weed

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Flavored weed comes from strains of plants that have distinct smells and flavors. Try blueberry, it is a favorite! Also Kish. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you grow flavored weed
Can you flavor a growing weed plant?
Im not sure on that. The only way I know is by mixing seed types. (I.E. Blueberry Yum, with what ever) But kool Aid im not sure on. You can use kool aid to flavor meth though.

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can you flavor a growing weed plant?
Q: like ive herd you can feed it koolaid with out sugar, to liek flavor it, my rothers plants a month old totally healthy i just wanna know if while watering it he can make it gain a yummy flavor of some sort.
A: Im not sure on that. The only way I know is by mixing seed types. (I.E. Blueberry Yum, with what ever) But kool Aid im not sure on. You can use kool aid to flavor meth though.
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Q: indian tobacco grows like weeds in my neighborhood and i can get pounds of it for free. how do i set it apart from other tobacco?
A: I don’t know how you would give indian tobacco other kinds of favors other than to put it in a bong with whatever flavor you want it to be, for instance put it in with some cinnamon sticks for it to smell and maybe taste like cinnamon or some vanilla beans for a vanilla flavor. That’s the only way I can think of that would allow you to give it another flavor. Otherwise you can just buy flavored tobacco.Anyways, good luck on ruining your lungs with toxins!
I want to plant chamomile but…?
Q: i just read on the web that growing chamomile would add flavor and something else to onions (i seriously LOVE onions) so i want to plant some chamomile to enhance my onions. But i looked the pictures up and they look like daisies or the little weed flowers you find in the park. What’s the difference? and are chamomiles weeds?
A: Chamomile is an herb, and most herbs are actually flowering. It does grow wild in many places, so the flowers/weeds in the park may be chamomile. The flowers are edible and eaten in salads, while the leaves are dried and used in teas. The plant is also grown to make yellow/gold dyes. The shorter variety is can even replace lawn, and many people love the look.If you dislike the look, but still want to improve your onion crop, they don’t need to be grown right next to each other. Chamomile will actually do its job if its a few feet away in a flower bed, or by your mint patch (it intensifies the mint oils). Summer savory also improves the flavor of onions, so if you prefer a non-flower plant you might want to go with savory. It looks similar to a rosemary plant and has light purple flowers at the end of its growing season.
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