How do you get marijuana out of your system quickly

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get marijuana out of your system quickly”,you can compare them.

Most marijuana detox drinks only take an hour or two before a drug test . Drink as instructed and follow with lots of water. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get marijuana out of your system quickly
How do you get marijuana out of your system quickly?
Depends on the test. If it’s blood or hair follicle, there’s nothing you can do. If it’s just a wee wee test, you need to drink lots (LOTS) of water and possibly some mild diuretics like cranberry juice. If you can get a hold of some Lasix,…
How do i get marijuana out of my system quickly??
I hope you don’t have to take a hair test.It does stay in your hair for a long time. It doesn’t stay in forever though.Think about it. As your hair grows the THC also grows out.But they can check your hair and usually test so far back like …
How 2 get marijuana out of ur system, quickly.?
I know that the max time it stays in your system is 48 days, but that is rare. It clings to your fat cells so avoiding fatty foods and exercising will help your body metabolize it faster. Also there are detox teas that you can get to help t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do you get marijuana out of your system quickly?
Q: i have drug tests almost every two week’s and i haven’t smoked in a month but for the past week i smoked probably 6 times. what do i do?
A: Depends on the test. If it’s blood or hair follicle, there’s nothing you can do. If it’s just a wee wee test, you need to drink lots (LOTS) of water and possibly some mild diuretics like cranberry juice. If you can get a hold of some Lasix, take that. It’s a very powerful diuretic and won’t show up any other bits and pieces in your wee. You can also try a urinary alkalinizer. It’s called Ural where I live, but it might be different where you are. Ask at the drugstore. Best methods involve drinking and flushing water through in the hours leading up to the test, not days. You need to make sure that your pee is not clear, because this can arouse suspicion, so a dose of a B-complex vitamin should yellow up the wee wee.Edit: I would suggest that you reconsider your pot usage. I’m suggesting methods for you because I think it’s wrong that employers should have this right. Freedom, my shapely tight butt. But when all is said and done, long term pot use is not going to do you much good.
Whats the best way to clear your system of marijuana quickly?
Q: I’m on probation so true answers are VERY important. Is it true that niacin clears your system? If so in how long would it take, if i only baked out one night? Details and approx. time needed please.
A: A. They have learned to test for the things people take to clean it out of their system.B. Some places make you pee right in front of them so they know you aren’t cheating.
Does anyone know of a natural way to clean marijuana out of your system quickly?
Q: Smoked tonight and have test on Thursday or Friday of next week possibly.
A: you sound like someones son that I know, he keeps saying I haven’t smoked it for ever but I think that it is in my fat cells, it stays in fat cells longer than it does in skinny people!
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