How do you flush drugs out of your system

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you flush drugs out of your system”,you can compare them.

There are a number of detoxification products that they sell that you can use safely. Rock the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you flush drugs out of your system
How long till drugs flush out your system?
dude why would u sniff crystal meth over weed. if you drink enough water weed could be out of ur system in a couple of days.
Does cranberry juice flush drugs out of system?
No, it will not. Rigorous exercise and drinking the right amounts of water for 2 to 4 days before your test may reduce the probability of detection. Actually cranberry juice mixed with water at about a three ( crannerry) to four ( water) …
Do bananas and milk help flush drugs out of your system??
No. Bananas and milk will not help flush drugs out of your system. Most drugs are metabolized by the liver and take a certain amount of time to be eliminated.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does water really flush drugs out of your system?
Q: is heroin, marijuana water soluble and if so how much water do u need to drink to get heroin out of your system within 72 hours. i’m not a heavy user. i know drugs are bad.
A: as far as i know, water only flushes out your sytem. does nothing for the drugs in your brain cells were it goes beside your blood stream,thier is not a thing u can do but hide it, as in drinks u get from the head shops. you do know thier are no old herion users right.. thier all dead you may wonder how I no any of this, its because my son and daughter were both on this stuff. and today they are clean.bad road to go down, things only get wrose. Im sorry but I saw your thing here, and really had to say something to u.out of concern……
Do bananas and milk help flush drugs out of your system?
Q: I saw this movie where this guy got really messed up, and they were trying to keep him conscious, and they were feeding him lots of milk and bananas. Does that really help?
A: No. Bananas and milk will not help flush drugs out of your system. Most drugs are metabolized by the liver and take a certain amount of time to be eliminated.
is there something that has been proven to flush drugs out your system?
A: Ya. Stop taking them.
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