How did marijuana come to be

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How did marijuana come to be”,you can compare them.

Marijuana has been smoked for thousands of years. It originated in Middle Eastern cultures. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How did marijuana come to be
Where Does Marijuana Come From?
Marijuana is the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Like all plants it’s sensitive to the environment where it grows.
Where did Marijuana come from?
Marijuana dates way back; the first evidence of Marijuana smoke inhalation dates back to 3rd Millennium BC from the discovery of charred seeds found in a brazier located in Romania. The most famous ancient users of Marijuana were the Hindus…
What plant does marijuana come from?
the marijuana plant of course/cannabis plant/dope

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How did Marijuana come to be known as “pot”?
A: POT: marijuana, 1938, probably a shortened form of Mexican Sp. potiguaya meaning “marijuana leaves.”
Where did the origin of celebrating April 20th with marijuana come from?
A: “420” is a term commonly used to refer to marijuana. There are many explanations/myths as to why this is the case. The more prevalent explanation is that 4-20 is the police code for cannabis. The term is used for the best time to smoke pot (4:20), celebrate marijuana (April 20), and to refer to the herb directly (scoring an elbow of 420). The real reason why 420 caught on is because the term is catchy (like “24/7” or “4-1-1”).
when did the marijuana law come into effect?
Q: When did the whole illegalization of cannabis all begin?
A: at the end of prohibition, people were so worried about getting their alcohol back they didn’t care they took away their weed.
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