How can marijuana kill you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How can marijuana kill you”,you can compare them.

Marijuana smoking isn’t harmless, but at least it won’t kill you. Nobody has ever died from smoking marijuana. Go ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can marijuana kill you
Does marijuana kill brain cells?
It’s hard to explain the short term memory loss without the death or severe damage to cells in the brain, however as you mentioned the only studies done were designed to paint marijuana as a killer drug, which is nothing but a big fat lie. …
Can marijuana kill you?
While marijuana itself is not particularly dangerous to users (the lethal dose would require smoking a very large portion of your body weight very quickly; you would die of smoke inhalation before dying of toxicity), it does make you do som…
Do marijuana kill brains cell?
No it does not kill brain cells, people say that it kills them and hurts you mentally. Its been researched by scientist and the truth of the matter is that it has no effect at all. Its perfectly fine to do.
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