How bad is hookah compared to a cigarette

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “How bad is hookah compared to a cigarette”,you can compare them.

Nearly 12 percent of hookah users had symptoms of chronic bronchitis, compared with 9.5 percent of cigarette smokers. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How bad is hookah compared to a cigarette
How bad is hookah compared to cigarettes?
Smoking hookah is way better for you than smoking cigarettes. Whatever people are saying about the equivalence of hookah to cigarettes may be right but don’t have all the facts. One reason why it is better for you is because it is not made …
How does hookah tobacco compare to regular cigarettes??
I just started smoking , I tried for years to start on my own and couldn’t so I went to a hipnotist and I’ve been smoking ever since… I don’t think I would smoke anything that rhymes with Poopa….
Is hookah cleaner or dirtier compared to cigarettes??
Well, cleaner. Let me explain Shisha can go through a “washing” process. Think of a tea bag effect. They take the tobacco and “wash” it and a good amount of tar and nicotine and other nonsense washes out. (then onto the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How bad is smoking hookah compared to cigarettes?
A: me thinks, you need yuor head read!!!! it’s the same thing, except , Hookah smoke is cold, you will get the same,in your lungs regardless!!!
how bad is hookah compared to cigarettes?
Q: i no its not a bad but how much better is it
A: Smoking hookah is way better for you than smoking cigarettes. Whatever people are saying about the equivalence of hookah to cigarettes may be right but don’t have all the facts. One reason why it is better for you is because it is not made with harmful things such as arsenic and tar like cigarettes are made with (which causes your lungs to turn black) and has a way lower amount of nicotine which is the reason that you cannot get addicted to it. I’ve smoked hookah many times before and I’m fine.
is Shisha (Hookah) bad for you?
Q: Hi im 14 year old and I had my first shisa puff a few days ago, it wasn’t too bad, but therer wasn’t much flavour. Im thiking about going to a shisha bar soon, and me and my friends know that they will serve anyone. But is shisha bad for you, how bad compared to cigarettes (i havn’t taken a cigareete before) and is it illegal under 16?Please dont give me a load of crap about how im too young please!
A: The age restrictions apply to all tobacco, shisha included. Because of your age, I can’t condone it, but it is your decision. That being said, as far as health issues go, no major research institutes have done studies on the affects of shisha, so honestly, no one can really say. As far as factors to consider go, there’s quite a bit less heat and the smoke is more moist, so compared to cigarettes, the dry heat damage is lessened. The water does filter out some stuff out of the smoke, but the effectiveness is questionable. Lastly, most shisha is usually made without additives. However, there are drastically larger amounts of nicotine in shisha. Pretty much, it’s up to you to make a decision on whether or not smoking shisha is worth the health risk vs. the experience of smoking hookah.
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