How bad is ecstacy on the body

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Interestingly enough, ecstacy also causes retention of water and overheating. It is not horribly bad for you if used in moderation [ Source: ]
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What are the long term effects of ecstacy on your body and brain?
Q: People just say drugs are bad. why is ecstacy bad. what are the long term effects? mentally physically???
A: Ecstasy stimulates a part of your brain that produces serotonin, the happy love chemical, that’s why you love everybody when you are on it. Long term it uses up all the serotonin and decreases your abiltyy to produceserotoninm which an cause depression or a emotional emptiness feeling Ecstasy is MDMA but nowadays most ecstacy is cut with other drugs like speed and ketamean which can cause brain damage and mental illness like paranoid syphofrenia
Is it bad to take ecstacy pills once in a while?
Q: Well obviously, I know its bad, but what damages will it do if I take them like twice a year. I’m young and I probably won’t do them after I’m 23 or 24. Now I’m 18 and I only tried it once, and I love the feeling because my life has been horrible for the past 3 years, and when sober I cannot be happy without feeling guilty of some past experiences. Anyways, question is, will it damage my brain or body if I take it sparingly?well i only take them at raves =)
A: it will damage it, but unoticably. after ecstasy it kills serrotonin in your brain, but its restored after 3 weeks. some of the receptors (what reads serrotinin) shut down, some stay shut down for a week, a month, a year then start back up again but some might stay shut down forever. giving your brain time to be able to start the receptors is good. so yes taking it only twice a year will be ok. you can even take it up to 5 time a year 🙂
somebody who is experienced with psychedelics?
Q: i havent smoked marijuana in about a year and i recently smoked about three quarters of a gram of marijuana at once. it looked like good quality weed, it had a lot of orange in it and a good amount of crystals. it tasted good too, kind of like citrus. as i was smokng my second joint, i began to feel really high, so i decided to stop after i finished it. i had taken about 50 hits by this time. my friends were all looking over the wall of my friend’s back yard and i thought that there were cops, so i started to get scared. i also started getting scared because the high i was feeling was so intense and it wasn’t what i was expecting at all (i have smoked marijuana before but never this much at one time). all of a sudden my fear started growing and i said to myself this is way too intense to be marijuana and then i started thinking that it had to be laced with acid or something which scared me because i had smoked so much of it. and then i started having thoughts that i was never going to stop tripping, or that i was going to develop schizophrenia, or die and go to hell. it was the worst fear i had ever had. i asked my brother how long it had been and he told me it had only been a half an hour since i smoked, but it felt like it had been hours, so this scared me because it felt like i was going to have to endure this hell forever. it felt like my heart was beating really fast so i told my brother to feel it and he told me it was fine, but later when i was sober he told me it was the fastest heartbeat he had ever felt. the visuals were pretty intense too. i could barely see because my vision was covered in blue static lines. when i could see, it looked like multi-colored crayon scribbles were everywhere, when i closed my eyes, there was kaleidoscopic patterns, i looked at the trees and they looked like they were made of iron, and when i looked at them again, they were all black with patches of color in them. my friend was green, and he tried to show me a video on his phone but the video scared me because it was going from color to black and white to sepia to negative. when i looked at the stars, they were moving all around. i was listening to my ipod and when i first put the music on, it made purple swirling lights everywhere in my vision. my ipod shot out a mist of colorful sparkles from the screen. it felt like my body was being twisted all around and it tasted like i had pepper in my mouth. it felt like i was leaving my body when i would try to relax and calm myself and when i would realize that it felt like i was floating away, i would sort of wake up and i would get a really big jolt kind of like electricity. my friends asked me why i kept farting and i had no idea what they were talking about and then all of the sudden it felt like i pooped my pants, but i didnt. i was also hearing voices. they sounded like people doing normal every day things in their houses, i couldnt make out what they were saying but i could hear people eating and things like that even though it was the middle of night and nobody was even awake. it also sounded like i could hear every dog in the city barking at once. food was disgusting and i couldnt eat. my brother was walking but his sound was reaching me after he passed. i went and sat in my friends front yard trying to keep myself from floating away (i think i was falling asleep maybe) but i was scared to fall asleep because i thought that if i did, i would never wake up. and i was just thinking wierd thoughts and picturing wierd images. we went into my friends house and i started feeling better and i layed on his bed and fell asleep. when i woke up, it felt like i was on a normal weed high. we then went and got some food and i fell asleep again, and when i woke up the next morning, i was completely fine and back to normal. this whole thing lasted around 6-7 hours.theres probably more i could type, but i think this is enoughbasically could anybody tell me what the heck that was it was unlike anything ive ever experienced and i have smoked weed, salvia, done ecstacy, etc. but i have never tried shrooms or LSD or PCP so i dont really have anything to compare this to.. basically i am trying to figure out if this was laced weed or if i just smoked way too much of some really strong stuff.thanks for reading that long story and i really appreciate any answers.
A: Will someone please report this Bob person along with me so we can have this crap removed. I cant stand people always advertising bullshit drugs like salvia and ecsphoria. Anyways, Im very experienced with psychedelics, so heres what I think:It wasn’t LSD, it would have been burned with no effect (people dont lace smokeables with LSD). It could have been PCP, but the effects you described were so psychedelic, not dissociative. You have to remember that technically, marijuana is a psychedelic, just a very weak one, but a good enough dose of THC CAN and WILL cause hallucinations. I think that it was just some really dank grass, because of the “I felt like I was dying” comment. I once quit smoking for about 6 months, and then I faced 2 grams of headies from a bong, and felt almost exactly like you described, only my hallucinations weren’t as intense. My verdict: Possible PCP, but Im leaning towards really strong grass coupled with low tolerance.
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