How addictive is crack

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How addictive is crack”,you can compare them.

Both cocaine and crack are powerfully addictive. The length of time it stays in your body doesn’t change that. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How addictive is crack
How addictive is crack?
Crack is probably the most addictive substance yet devised. In a very short time, crack users need much more of the drug to attain the same effect and to avoid the intense “crash” or depression. They become physically and psycholo…
Why is crack addictive?
it trigers release of dopeimen in the brain in large amounts that chemical is what is released when you do something good as a reward so over time you brain and body starts to think crack is a reward
How to Treat Crack Addiction
During the 1980s, crack cocaine became a problem on the streets of cities across America. Unlike regular cocaine, which tends to be expensive, crack is widely available in cheap, single-use…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How truly addictive is crack?
Q: My friend smoked crack and he didn’t get addicted the first time. Is it even that addictive or do you need to smoke it more than once to actually become addicted to it?
A: People here are idiots. Doing it one time probably won’t be addictive but if he keeps doing it, he most likely will.
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Q: My Dad plays crack attack a lot and I was wondering if anyone knew a game like it that was simple, addictive and challenging that he could get into.
A: Tetris!
Is crack more addictive than coke?
Q: I was just wondering if crack cocaine is more addictive than regular coke?
A: I have never tried crack, but I have coke. I am not a fan of coke, but of Dr Pepper. I would think that crack would be more addicting, just because the chemicals and substances it contains are more, well addicting. I’m sure they have done tests, if you wanted to go into further research.-Abella<333
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