Does weed kill or numb brain cells

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does weed kill or numb brain cells”,you can compare them.

The claim that marijuana kills brain cells is based on a speculative report that has never been supported by any scientific study. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does weed kill or numb brain cells
Does weed kill brain cells?
No it dosent kill brain cells. It just makes your short term memory brain cells dormat for a while. If you stop smoking for awhile they come back. people now these days say everything will give you cancer, half of it is bs. Today someone sa…
Does smoking weed kill brain cells?
Well it depends on who you are listening to. The only real damage other than the short (3-6 hours) cognitive problems of being “high” is caused by the American tradition of holding your breath while smoking, causing brain cells …
How does weed kill brain cells?
Yes and it does other things to the body. It messes up your hormones which can affect your having children or not. It is also a “gateway” drug to other drugs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people think Marijuana is so damn harmful?? ?
Q: I know this has been asked tons of times but I want to see people opinions…Weed never killed anyone, Alcohol does kill and has killed in LARGE number as well as Cigs….I know a bunch of ignorant people are gonna answer saying ” weed kills brain cells”or whatever…so do a lot of things, life is about taking chances not living in constant fear and if we are willing to smoke 8 packs of cigs a day but then say Ooo smoking weed once in a while is so terrible then that’s pretty ignorant. Where are all the commercials for Cocaine or Meth or Heroine? They are all about Marijuana. I’m not telling anyone to smoke weed, but don’t pass judgment on things before you try it. So why do you guys think Marijuana is harmful in moderation? I have smoked yes, and I’m not dead. Another thing about how it kills brain cells and makes you dumb as dirt well I’ve smoked and I’m in college doing something, weed doesn’t impair your ability to drive or think or move any more than alcohol if not less. Thanks. deaths have been found in history caused my Marijuana, and their may be deaths linked to it but theirs been deaths linked to lots of things…Now they are saying toothpaste gives you cancer or mouthwash, or cells phones cause cancer, while they all may be true, if so many things cause deaths that seem so innocent then we are just living in constant fear of things. Like swimming in the ocean which seems like a fun and normal thing to do, but theirs always dangers in the ocean like sharks, drowning ect. Eating Mcdonalds is bad for your heart as well but they sell that stuff.But Stardust, I’m talking about in moderation. Just like alcohol should be. Alcohol should be the blame for many deaths not Marijuana. Also we choose to do what we want like buying a big mac and fries with a shake and then not working it off that’s been a HUGE cause in deaths in America as well as other unhealthy choices people make. All I’m saying in moderation just as alcohol or any “unhealthy” thing we do isn’t bad (that’s not including some drugs). I think the main reason the majority of people believe Marijuana is bad is because we have been brainwashed will false ideas,when some may be true but I they go a bit overboard. Another thing if anyone brings up how people have been killed while drug dealing I believe that’s in it’s own issue, that’s the person not Marijuana causing the fights or the deaths or whatever you may say…People have fought over many other things like money which isn’t actually the cause of death but the person dealing with the money.
A: I think weed should be legalized. Maybe have some conditions like being of age and not driving etc.I also think it isn’t legal at this time because the government is afraid to let people smoke weed.It may open their eyes too much and lead people from their daily habit of working, eating and watching tv.It is hard to control people when their minds are free.
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