Does mdma put holes in your brain

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does mdma put holes in your brain”,you can compare them.

It is known to be bad for the brain, but not to put holes in it. ChaCha on [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does mdma put holes in your brain
Does mdma really burn holes in your brain?
The claim that MDMA causes “holes in the brain” is not backed up by scientific research. Such claims are irresponsible and serve to further reduce the credibility of anti-MDMA warning. Even one pill can lead to death by dehydratio…
Does MDMA make holes in your brain?
Not that we know of. This popular but apparently incorrect idea came from a pair of PET scans shown on the Oprah TV show; one from a normal patient’s brain, and the other from an emotionally troubled girl who had used a number of drugs (inc…

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Ecstasy question…I heard that the whole holes in the brain was just a myth….?
Q: that back in the 80s the government had some doctor say it put holes in your brain and showed a picture of somebody who was actually on crystal meth, because they couldn’t find any reasons to make it illegal. Ecstasy was used for clinical use before, but then it started to get really popular….is any of this true? Is taking MDMA bad if you only do it a couple times?
A: The study performed by the government that led to the ban against ecstasy showed that the use of MDMA caused extreme loss of brain function and that the damage was irreversible. It also showed that only one use of MDMA could cause Parkinsons disease. The scientist that performed the study later admitted to having false data and that much of the information used in his study was gained from the use of Speed and not MDMA.There was a German study that showed that the use of MDMA does cause a small lowering of brain function (as small as 5 percent) during continuing use. However, the study also showed that the brain function fully returned after 2-3 months of non-use.There have been no scientific studies to show that MDMA causes any permanent damage or any volatile short term damage.With that said, MDMA can be mentally addictive and can lead you to feel the same about other, more harmful drugs. I recommend you do not use MDMA often, if at all. Nobody knows what the long term effects are of excessive MDMA use because it is still a relatively young drug.
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