Does marijuana go bad

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Does marijuana go bad”,you can compare them.

Depending on how the marijuana is packaged it can become overly dry and lose potency. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana go bad
Does marijuana go bad?
Yea it can get mold but only if the dealer soaks it in water to increase the weight or something went wrong with the drying process.
Is marijuana bad?
Long-term marijuana abuse can lead to addiction; that is, compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite its known harmful effects upon social functioning in the context of family, school, work, and recreational activities. Long-term marijuana a…
Is smoking weed bad for you?
There’s little chance of it being physically addicting. Consider that tobacco is inspected by government officials and has standards regulating it’s quality. Weed has been grown and quality checked by your neighborhood drug dealer who could…

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How long is marijuana good for if you keep it in a small ziplock bag? like does it ever expire or go bad?
A: It gets weaker even if frozen about 6 months after it is half as strong.
Does anyone honestly think marijuana is BAD anymore?
Q: Ok so just looking around today, I’ve noticed that there is almost no one anymore who sees marijuana as completely wrong and are entirely against its legalization. Just wondering if anyone still feels that way. If so, why?
A: only christian mothers
Are there any bad effects for smoking marijuana? Does it affect the nervous system & provoke agressive behavio
Q: How does it affect a person in the short term (right after smoking it) and in the long term? Does it affect the nervous system?My bf likes to smoke it occassionally but he has severe stress problems and insomnia, does smoking it affect him more or does it help?I want to know also because when he’s stressed his behaviors are a little agressive and I want to know if marijuana can make this behavior worse.Does it really kill brain cells?
A: If he is in any way prone to any form of mental illness,he should not take it. If he is aggressive you need to be with some one who is not!
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