Does marijuana expire

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Does marijuana expire”,you can compare them.

As long as it does not get moldy, it will not expire. Have another question? ChaCha back! We’re here 24/7 to answer! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does marijuana expire
Can marijuana turn bad over time?
no, but it won’t get you high and it’ll stink really bad when you smoke it.
Does Heroin expire? Do other drugs other than marijuana or hash g…?
Heroin does not expire it does not require to be in the fridge.It can be good as long it won’t kill you and take you to prison. Yes.Like a crack dealer is gonna say hey do it before it expires. neither does mj.
Does marijuana have a expiration date?
Marijuana tends to lose its potency over time. How much depends on the conditions in which it is stored. Heat and light both degrade the potency. By the end of a year or two, marijuana will have lost most of its effectiveness, even under go…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long is marijuana good for if you keep it in a small ziplock bag? like does it ever expire or go bad?
A: It gets weaker even if frozen about 6 months after it is half as strong.
Does THC in marijuana ever “expire”?
Q: Like, does it ever lose its potency?
A: Not usually “expire” per se, but it does lose its potency over time. The older the stash, the less potent it will be.
Does Heroin expire? Do other drugs other than marijuana or hash get dried up and expire?
A: Heroin does not expire it does not require to be in the fridge.It can be good as long it won’t kill you and take you to prison.Yes.Like a crack dealer is gonna say hey do it before it expires.neither does mj.
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