Do you get high from smoking hookah

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you get high from smoking hookah”,you can compare them.

Hookah smokers inhale more tobacco smoke than do cigarette smokers but you do not get high from it. Enjoy your day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you get high from smoking hookah
Can you get high on smoking a hookah?
・ 1. HOOKAHS ARE NOT USED FOR ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. ・ 2. hookahs are specifically used for tobacco or “herbal” products.
Can you get high from smoking the Shisha?
no, its just tobacco dipped in flavored molasses. and the amount of nicotine in it is extremely small, its suppose to relax u and that it does. but hookas are p*ssy and its the big craze for all the girls who are too scared to smoke a bong
Will smoking a hookah at night give you high blood pressure the n…?
120/80 is the perfect balance. The further you get away from that number, higher or lower, it can cause problems. Smoking the hookah would not generally effect your blood pressure, at least not long term. It’s tobacco, with a little nicotin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you get high from smoking a hookah?
Q: Or is it just an excuse to feel cool?
A: you get a little light headed, but not high, it’s just tobacco after all
Is it safe to smoke from a hookah pipe? Will smoking the tobacco used get you high?
A: Dont smoke, its very bad for you.
Does smoking hookah give you a high or does it just taste good?
Q: is it like cigarettes?
A: Hey hey :]Nah, smoking out of a hookah isn’t going to get you high at all. Shisha is made out of tobacco, glycerine/honey/molasses, and flavoring. Nothing illegal or narcotic about it. It’s like cigarettes in regards that it does contain tobacco, but it doesn’t have other really cool chemicals of death like arsenic and all that good stuff (please note sarcasm)But yeah, since it does have nicotine, you might get a BUZZ (not high). But be sure that you’re fully hydrated and you’ve eaten before. If you dont, you’re not going to get a nice, relaxing buzz – – you’re going to get a headache and possibly feel nauseous. And yeah, it tastes HELLA good. haha. just smoked mint a couple hours ago and i really enjoyed it.btw, for a recent post someone made : Tobacco is not “another alternative”. It’s all a hookah should be used for. Hookah is only for tobacco, NOT ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES. kthx.
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