Do men or women smoke more

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Demographics .We found some answers as below for this question “Do men or women smoke more”,you can compare them.

China: Male Smokers: 50% China Women Smokers: 18%. US: Male Smokers: 35% US Female Smokers: 20% [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do men or women smoke more
I understasnd it is ok for men to smoke in Egypt. what about wome…?
Smoking is widely acceptable in Egypt for both genders. A woman who smokes was a bit weird 20 or so years ago, it was considered odd for a woman to smoke, but that is no longer the case. Do not worry about smoking during your visit, Egypt i…
Who smokes more? women or men?
I have some friends and i have noticed that a lot of them smoke. It doesn’t make me love them less, but i wish that they didn’t because i love them and wouldn’t like them to get sick and die. Do you have friends that smoke? Who do you se…
Do more men than women smoke?
I am not 100 per cent sure but i actually know more female smokers rather than male. You can always look it up on a government site they may have something.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Statistically and psychologically speaking, why do men smoke more tobacco than women?
Q: In the US alone 44% of smokers are men, and about 22% are women. Could this have something to do with stress found more commonly in men than women? Why is this? Do women have it easier then man, and thus less driven to smoke and drink?
A: It is mainly the power of the media. Most tobacco advertisements portray manly men and ‘liberated’ women.If this shows anything it shows how we men are insecure about our manhood. We always need something to prove our manhood. And this thing to many men starts with the manly image of a smoker which eventually turns into addiction.As for women, no matter how liberated they are, the image of a smoking woman lacks femininity. So the trap used to lure men into smoking fires back when it comes to the female consumer.This I believe explains your argument.Cheers.
why did the men smoke and not the women in the early 1900s?
Q: (approximately 1920s to 1950s) Was it considered disgusting for women to smoke? Was there a law against women smoking? Was smoking considered something only men do? Why didn’t women smoke back then?
A: Back then you did what you were told, if you were a woman. Like it or not, you did not stand up and fight back. I know this is grating on modern girls, but things were different then. I remember the 50’s very well. And please don’t say you would have fought. You would have been ostracized and put out.But then too, maybe women were smarter. Not to want to kill themselves with something so stupid.
Who smoke more, men; women; or elders?
Q: Consider the given statements.Statement A: Women have higher rates of smoking than men.Statement B: Smoking rates go down as age goes up.Which of the following option is correct with respect to the preceding statements?Option 1: Statement A is true and Statement B is false.Option 2: Statement B is true and Statements A is false.Option 3: Both Statement A and Statement B are true.Option 4: Both Statement A and Statement B are false.
A: men the most because when they do they get the higher rate of gettine laided
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