Do drugs effect your memory

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Do drugs effect your memory”,you can compare them.

Over a period of time, drug abuse can affect an individual’s memory. More Q’s? Never fear, ChaCha is here! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do drugs effect your memory
How does drug abuse effect learning, memory, personality, and alt…?
it all depends on you and the drug, everyone’s mind is effected differently. typically, most drugs will alter ones outlook on life (not necessarily good). for the stereotypical human being, one will slowly but surely lose memory, ability to…
Do the drugs used to treat pain have any effect on my concentrati…?
The information in this section was compiled by the DIPEx Team. Do the drugs used to treat pain have any effect on my concentration or memory? Unfortunately the drugs used to treat pain often work by having an effect on your nerves, spin…

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what kind of drugs improves the brain as a side effect? boost memory and performance?
Q: I was watching discovery chanel but i forgot the name of the drugs that improve brain functioning as a side effet,, and also other legal drugs that makes you smarter
A: When i had brain surgery they put me on dilatin, it seemed to increase my productivity on a lot of levels.
effect of memory enhancers drugs?
A: Ginseng is one, there are none that i know of they put it in everything these days.
Are there any drugs that work like Prozac but don’t have any negative effects on memory?
A: Possibly Zoloft.
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