Can you get high from banana peels

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Conversational Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get high from banana peels”,you can compare them.

There are numerous websites they say thats true. One say to mix the peels with orange juice to make a good trip. More info below! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get high from banana peels
How do you get high off of banana peels?
You step on one, slip, hit your head on the corner of the table, and enjoy the pictures you see. Hope this helps.
Will smoking banana peels get you high?
I’ve seen a lot of contrasting information about this all over the Web, but that doesn’t tell me anything, except that the druggies at school aren’t the only guys in on the concept: getting high off of banana joints. Is there really a che…
Can you get high of smoking banana peels?
An urban legend states that the dried skin of the banana fruit contains the fictitious substance “bananadine”, and is hallucinogenic when smoked. Unlike many such legends, the origin of this one has been traced. It dates back to a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true you can get high from smoking banana peels?
Q: Mellow Yellow, man!
A: In a nutshell, no. The link below gives you a history of this myth.
Can you get “high” from smoking banana peels?
A: I don’t think so, you would probably have a really hard time keeping it lit….
can u get high off banana peels?
Q: i heard u can get high off banana peels and looked up on the internet for it. but idk if its true and if it really works.does any one know if its true or has anyone ever..done it?
A: No, and why are you trying to get high on anything? Are you trying to ruin your life? You are headed for big trouble.
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