Can you dip with braces

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It is really not recommended. The chew can get caught in the braces making them rot or cause an infection. Ask your DR. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you dip with braces
Should i dip(tobacco) longcut with braces?
he wont know unless you do it right before you get to his office. if you have braces im gonna take a wild guess and say your under age. pouches are good for class since you can swallow the spit. but for braces make sure you get a tooth pick…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

should i dip(tobacco) longcut with braces?
Q: i do pouches now but there aren’t giving me as good as a buzz so is it ok if i do longcut with my braces. is my orthodontist gonna no?ok i no it bad ok im not stupid so dnt tell me its bad
A: he wont know unless you do it right before you get to his office. if you have braces im gonna take a wild guess and say your under age. pouches are good for class since you can swallow the spit. but for braces make sure you get a tooth pick or something and get the strands out of there for long cut. fine cut you can just swish water in your mouth and get that out.
What are quick, healthy snacks that I can eat with braces?
Q: I used to eat a lot of fruit. I would have at least 1 or 2 apples a day. When I was watching a movie, I would snack on baby carrots (no dip). I got braces, and I find ever since, I have been snacking on unhealthy foods such as chips, cookies, etc. I don’t want to gain weight, or be unhealthy, but I don’t really like cooked veggies. I can cut an apple, but then it goes brown if I take it to work with me. Does anyone have any healthy ideas, that are also quick to prepare?
A: They have apples cut and packaged in the grocery stores that don’t brown.How about bananas and watermelon or any other melon. How about making smoothies in the morning?Or yogurt?
How to get stains off my teeth after getting braces off recently?
Q: Hey hows it going, I just got my braces off recently and i have white stains, was wondering how to get them off. Also i dipped (chewing tobacco) when i had them on and now i have some small stains from that also, im not exactly looking to go into a dentist if I can do it myself so how do i get this off?
A: I also had my braces removed recently and discovered some of those stains on my teeth. My dentist told me to use mouth wash (a strong one) to get rid of it. In addition I also chew dental chewing gums. After 1 month the stains were gone.
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