Can smoking marijuana make you lose weight

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can smoking marijuana make you lose weight”,you can compare them.

Marijuana will not make you lost weight. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can smoking marijuana make you lose weight
Does smoking marijuana make you lose or gain weight??
You got a controversy there; most of the career smokers I’ve ever seen gained weight, but studies show that it’s not due to changing your metabolism.

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does smoking marijuana help lose weight?
Q: well my friend and my cousin have both been smoking marijuana. my friend got real skinny and ma cousin got fatter. they where arguing about if marijuana makes you lose weight. my friend says yeah because the food you eat while your high doesnt really affect you or make you fat? and o0o if you quit marijuana does that take away your appetite while your sober ?
A: No it does not. Smoking makes you want to eat and eat and eat, and it has nothing to do with being hungry. Marijuana makes your senses heightened, so food actually tastes better when you’re high, causing you to eat more. When you aren’t high, you eat just as much as regular people. You may not GAIN any weight from eating when you’re high (unless you smoke as much as I do– two to three times a day everyday), but you definetly won’t lose weight either.
Can smoking marijuana help you lose weight?
Q: Someone told me that smoking weed increases your metabolism, that is why you get the munchies. If you get high, but don’t eat when you get munchies, can this help you lose weight?I realize its illegal and all that, I don’t need to be reminded. I’m just asking if anyone knows for a fact that smoking week increases your metabolism.Thanks in advance!
A: “Someone told me” situations usually end with responses stating that “it’s not true”. This situation is no different. Marijuana does not increase your metabolism and that is not why you get the munchies.
Does Smoking Marijuana Prevent Weight Lose?
Q: So I know that weed causes munchies but other than that is there anything in the THC or anything that can make the fat cells stay inside of you?
A: First of all, the anti-drug commercial like responses your question got crack me up. If you are going to take a stance people use statistics, studies, or at least some factual statements to back them up. As for your question, no, absolutely not. It does not alter your metabolism or fat cells in any way. It only alters your appetite.
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