Can pot kill me

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can pot kill me”,you can compare them.

There are no reported cases of death due to smoking marijuana. Your actions when high however, are a different story. Be safe! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can pot kill me
Does pot kill brain cells?
No, it just makes you stupid. Eventually, if you stop using, your brain will probably get back to normal. It doesn’t make you stupid. It just holds your long term memory cells in your brain and after a while it releases them. Pot doesn’t ma…
Does smoking pot kill brain cells?
No and No There’s been all kinds of SMALL INDEPENDENT studies that have said that it does kill brain cells, but every LARGE CREDIBLE study has concluded it doesn’t. People tend to focus on the small independent studies because propaganda is…
Can marijuana kill you?
While marijuana itself is not particularly dangerous to users (the lethal dose would require smoking a very large portion of your body weight very quickly; you would die of smoke inhalation before dying of toxicity), it does make you do som…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can drinking or smoking pot kill brain cells?
Q: Some people say drinking and smoking pot kills bran cells and makes the IQ lower.They also go on to say drinking and smoking pot you cannot learn or do anything thing do to your brain slow down.What are the effects of smoking pot and drinking and your memory or brain.And is this true or not.
A: Drinking kills brain cells, but I don’t think smoking pot does.There is a Stoner in my class that is A LOT LOT smarter than I am, I respect that dude.
will an alumium homemade aluminum flower pot kill a plant?
Q: we cut the top off an alumium heniken (i think its a gallon keg)…we cut the top off and put in the dirt and the plant in it…someone told us that the aluminum will kill it…..anyone know?
A: There are a few plants that will suffer from aluminum toxicity — some ferns and orchids come to mind. Most plants tolerate aluminum well — clay soils are mostly low grade aluminum ore.Your informant may be concerned with the heat conductivity of aluminum and afraid the plant’s roots will get cooked by absorbed sunlight. That might be a possibility, depending on how the pot is situated and your climate. Whatever you do, don’t forget to poke some holes in the bottom for drainage. Plants rarely survive in undrained containers for very long.
Can drinking and Smoking Pot Kill a new born?
Q: can smokking poot and drinking kill a baby thats less then 1 month old?
A: I know drinking can… Drinking can kill an adult easily. Smoking pot will probably give them some mental issues if they are exposed to it too much, but I’m almost 100% sure it won’t kill them. It’s still really messed up if you give your kid either of these.
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