Can doctors tell if you smoke cigarettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can doctors tell if you smoke cigarettes”,you can compare them.

Yes. Doctors can tell if you smoke. They can see it in blood tests, smell it on you, and there are other ways they can tell. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can doctors tell if you smoke cigarettes
Can doctors tell if you smoke cigarettes?
Mine did. He told me I should quit smoking. Afterwards, I saw him and two nurses smoking outside. Damn hypocrites.
Can a doctor tell your parents that you smoke cigarettes??
Yes, your Dr can tell your parents. They have a legal right to access to your medical information since you are a minor. Do your parents smoke around you? I grew up in a smoke filled house and had breathing problems all my life until I m…
Will Doctor Cough Respiratory support help me if I continue to sm…?
No. Smoking can cause considerable damage to your lungs if you do not stop. Talk to your doctor about using nicotine patches, gum, inhaler or nasal spray, or some other method to stop smoking.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can doctors tell if you smoke cigarettes?
Q: just wondering..well i know they can see in your lungs and smell it, but i meant like by just normal check-ups. if they look in your throat can they tell?
A: Mine did. He told me I should quit smoking. Afterwards, I saw him and two nurses smoking outside. Damn hypocrites.
Can a doctor tell if you smoke cigarettes by just a normal physical ?
Q: If so, about after how many cigarettes can he/she tell ??
A: Probably, since over half of them smoke too.
During a doctor physical, can they tell if you smoke cigarettes?
Q: I barely smoke cigarettes, I’m 20 and have only been doing it for a month or 2 mildly. Will a doctor be able to tell if I smoke from a urine test or anything like that?
A: It doesn’t take a doctor, or a urine test. Anyone who is in the same room with you can tell that you smoke.
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