Are they really going to legalize marijuana

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Marijuana legalization is a hot topic right now, although it is speculation if any changes will be made, it is a state-wide item [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are they really going to legalize marijuana
Is Cali really going to legalize marijuana?
I believe it. Last year in Massachusetts during the election, there was a ballot measure to decriminalize marijuana possession. I voted for it, and it passed. Now, in Massachusetts, possession of a small amount of marijuana (something like …
Is Obama really going to legalize marijuana if elected?
No. The President does not have the power to write new laws. That power resides with Congress. If Congress passes a bill, and the President signs it, it becomes law.
Is the state of California really going to legalize Marijuana??
Honestly speaking, it’s just Cali reaching out for some relief. The 7th largest economy in the world as an independent state is bankrupt. This is bound to happen at some point. If the entire economy stays in the toilet then the feds will fo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are they really going to legalize Marijuana?
Q: I’ve heard they are now in California so they can tax it and not spend billions trying to get rid of it. Is this true?
A: It’s not likely to pass, because the law would be in direct conflict with the Federal laws. Under Article XI of the US Constitution, in the event a state law conflicts with a federal law, the federal law supersedes it.”This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States…shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”For the CA law to work, the federal law would first need to be repealed.In case you’re wondering, the medicinal laws in each state are allowed, because there is no specific ban on medicinal application/use in the federal statute (it’s loophole legislation on the part of the states).
Are they ever going to to legalize marijuana?
Q: First of all, i want to see evidence that it is really as bad for you as dare says it is. Second of all, i think it does more harm illegal than good, people lace it with other drugs, and if they dont know what they are doing you can get really sick, and i feel with the government regulated it and everything we would be better off. i mean so many people do it anyways, and when they cant, they try to find legal ways to get high which are WAY worse, like sniffing glue and taking pills.
A: I agree with you. I don’t smoke, but I definitely think it should be legal, provided that it is regulated like alcohol (no minors, and no driving).It makes absolutely no sense that cannabis is illegal while alcohol and tobacco (both of which are MORE harmful and MORE addictive) are legal.Legalization would:- Create thousands of jobs- Devastate drug cartels, which would suddenly be without 75% of their income- Provide an enormous windfall for the government, which would bring in billions in taxes and SAVE billions more on law enforcement (ending Prohibition played a big part in getting the U.S. out of the Great Depression)- Allow police, courts and prisons to focus their resources on DANGEROUS criminals, rather than stupid (but harmless) potheadsContact your representatives in government! If you don’t know who they are, find out at If they hear from enough of us, they’ll HAVE to start taking this issue seriously. As Gandhi once said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
What would you do if you knew they were going to legalize marijuana 9 months from now?
Q: I’m not saying they are but I would sell off everything I own and live in a tent. Then I’d invest it all in the following:- Frito-Lay (particularly Doritos)- Pizza places and call centers that handle those orders- Hydroponics equipment- Visine- and anything that could be used to make brownies.Thoughts?
A: Stock up on guns and ammo to defend myself against the stoners who will raid the planet like the Four Horsemen.
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