Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be life threatening

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be life threatening”,you can compare them.

Well it could paralyze muscles in the lungs or other vital organs causing death. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-a-disease-that-causes-paralysis-of-smooth-muscles-be-life-threatening ]
More Answers to “Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be life threatening
Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be li…?
Smooth muscle is found in arteries, the respiratory system, the heart…. If they became paralyzed, you would not be able to breathe or pump blood.
Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be co…?
Smooth muscles allow your lungs to contract, expand, etc. Smooth musles allow your stomach to churn up food and move it down the digestive track. Smooth muclse control respiriatory systme, digestive system, excretory system. With paralyzed …

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Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be considered a life-threatening disease?
Q: If you could please answer as complete as you can, so I won’t have to ask any questionsThanks
A: Smooth muscles allow your lungs to contract, expand, etc. Smooth musles allow your stomach to churn up food and move it down the digestive track. Smooth muclse control respiriatory systme, digestive system, excretory system. With paralyzed smooth muscles, u would sufficate, starve, die of bowel obstruction, etc.
Why would a disease that causes paralysis of smooth muscles be life threatening?
A: Smooth muscle is found in arteries, the respiratory system, the heart…. If they became paralyzed, you would not be able to breathe or pump blood.
Question on my science paper?
Q: Essay Question don’t understand Why would a disease that causes the paralysis of smooth muscles be a life threatening disorder?
A: lol you’re getting the entire yahoo answers commuinity to do your homeworki would answer but i dno 😛
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