Why do people with HIV contract other diseases

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The HIV virus weakens the body’s immune system, leaving patients vulnerable to infections, cancers, and other diseases. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-with-hiv-contract-other-diseases ]
More Answers to “Why do people with HIV contract other diseases
Can I contract HIV/AIDS or other diseases from a tanning bed??
All of our tanning beds are sanitized after each client with a solution designed to kill any and all bacteria that may be on the bed. The chances of contracting a disease from a properly cleaned tanning bed are extremely remote. Cleanliness…
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The risk is almost non-existent as organs that are being considered for transplant must undergo complete and extensive testing to ensure the organs are healthy and disease free.
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Q: I work in the health field and see many folks with terminal diseases more often than not, expire at some point. I originally noticed growing up, famous folks survive like Magic Johnson with HIV (he contracted it before miracle cocktail meds) when the disease was almost a death sentence.More recently people like Patrick Swayze (pancreatic cancer which is the more dismal) and Halle Berry (not fatal, however, she claimed she has cured herself of type 1 diabetes).More recently in the news, Ted Kennedy is in remission from brain cancer; which, by all standards is a stretch due to the severity and his age even with treatments. There are scores of others different types of cured or prolonged ailments. My curiosity stems more towards the question of why (if it isn’t just luck)?
A: modern celebs can afford better healthcare — best doctors, more tests & more precise diagnosis, advanced treatments, expensive drugs
Why Did Matt Foreman call AIDS a Gay Disease?
Q: Homosexual Leader Calls AIDS ‘a Gay Disease’By Pete WinnCNSNews.com Senior Staff WriterFebruary 15, 2008(CNSNews.com) – In a startling admission, the head of a major homosexual activist group said HIV/AIDS is a “gay disease.”The comments were made last Friday at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s (NGLTF) national conference in Detroit by Executive Director Matt Foreman.”Folks, with 70 percent of the people in this country living with HIV being gay or bi (sexual), we cannot deny that HIV is a gay disease,” Foreman told his audience. “We have to own that and face up to that.”Conservative organizations that work on the HIV/AIDS issue say they are shocked.”Foreman’s comments are a dramatic departure from the long-standing strategic and rhetorical orthodoxy of the homosexual ‘rights’ movement, which in the past has heatedly objected to any such characterization by critics of its political agenda,” said Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan.Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues at Concerned Women for America, called the admission “refreshing.”For decades, he said, homosexual activists have excoriated anyone who even implied that HIV/AIDS was a disease largely affecting homosexuals. Even the late homosexual journalist Randy Shilts was attacked in the early ’80s – when AIDS was first recognized – for referring to the condition as GRID, or “gay-related immune deficiency.””Because of their war on semantics and being in such denial and not focusing on the reality of the dangers of their behaviors, many people have contracted the disease,” Barber told Cybercast News Service.”Who knows how many lives could have been saved had homosexual activists been honest about the dangers of the lifestyle they choose to engage in,” he added.Indeed, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force lambasted the Bush administration in 2003 for nominating Jerry Thacker to the President’s Council on HIV/AIDS. Thacker was forced to withdraw from the nomination, because he supposedly called AIDS “the gay plague.”Thacker, who said he never referred to AIDS as “a gay plague,” told Cybercast News Service that he was the target of a politically motivated smear campaign by homosexual activists.”We’ve said for a long time now that HIV in this country is a behavioral disease, that you don’t have to get it, that if you do engage in risky activities you run the risk of getting it, and that it really has little to do with your sexual preferences,” Thacker said.In fact, HIV is an equal-opportunity disease, he added.”If by saying that the disease is primarily ‘a gay disease,’ this is an admission that their sexual practices are more likely to get the disease from one person to another. Then homosexuals are owning up to something that we’ve known for a long time,” Thacker said.Ironically, the heterosexual Thacker acquired HIV/AIDS from his wife, who had a blood transfusion in 1984, before the blood supply was safeguarded. Thacker, his wife, and his daughter have HIV/AIDS.The NGLTF’s admission, meanwhile, has rocked the homosexual activist community. One homosexual activist, Todd Heywood, told the Lansing State Journal the story was likely to gain traction in coming days and weeks.”When leaders of the right-wing claim HIV/AIDS (is) a gay disease, we all balk at that claim,” Heywood said. “But what happens when a national gay leader says it?”Foreman has since clarified that he wasn’t saying that AIDS is a gay disease worldwide, but it is in the United States.According to the federal Centers for Disease Control, 70 percent of all cases of HIV occur among men who have sex with other men (MSMs), people who are bisexual, or those who inject illegal drugs with infected needles.Conservatives like Barber, meanwhile, are calling on other homosexual groups to publicly acknowledge the truth and for groups like the National Education Association to stop promoting the homosexual lifestyle in public schools.Whether I agree with this or diagree is not the relevant issue. The polticization of a Disease is. AIDS is a very cruel disease. And people are suffering. The question is how much resources can we devote to it? And what is the best way to stop the pandemic from spreading? If certain Sexual practices spread it exclusively among Straight would we argue the Politics or tell the public the truth?I have no desire to see Gays, BiSexual folk, Minorities or anyone else suffer. A civilized nation is defined by how it treats its least citizens. Those who lack power and prestige.
A: gay sex is more traumatic than hetrosexual intercourse and the chances of the HIV virus being transmitted through the rectal tissues is higher. However it is significantly safer than sharing the same syringe with a HIV infected drug addict. The easier mode of transmission of the disease gave the disease or the gays whichever it is, a bad name
Why is it that a man who has a foot smelling fetish for womens feet is so nasty but homosexuals are excepted?
Q: I love the smell of womens feet. For alot of people I’m gross, disgusting, and a sick pervert at first until they see I’m not some obsessed weirdo. I’m just a man that loves the look and smell of womens feet.Even homosexuals have given their negative remarks to me and my fetish. How do you accept a man/woman taking another mans/womans sperm or bodily fluids into their body of the same sex but someone with a foot (especially smelling) fetish is soooo gross???When was the last time someone contracted HIV or some other disease based on a foot fetish of any kind?Heterosexually… How do you accept taking someone else’s saliva, and other bodily fluids in your mouth or body cavities but a foot (smelling) fetish is soooo gross?So its ok to suck and swallow but heavens forbid if you like bad odor on a womans foot. That makes 0 sense to me in anyway.Please explain this and pass the word around so I and others like myself don’t have to deal with the ignorance and stupidity.I forgot to mention. If you’re immature or some high school, college kid that thinks its fun to annoy the sh^t out of everyone any chance you get… If you think being responsible is asking Mom, Dad, or your best friend to do it for you… If you think… Matter of fact if you’ve been told periodiaclly through out you life that you’re an idiot, or an a-hole please don’t respond. I don’t like and try not to deal with stupidity.
A: people will always consider you a perv or gross.only because you are different.Like homosexuals being different are considered perverted and nasty by straight people. Ask a homosexual how they feel about homos. Ask them what they think about hetros.but why are you worried about what others think?it should just be your and your mate.Its perfectly normal. I even consider that a females body odor, no matter where it originates, all pretty much smells the same.Its based off of PHEROMONES. We all have it and we all smell it, we just don’t notice it. But our “ID” sure does.feet, pits, crotch (but the rear does have a different hint to it)My girlfriend LOVES the smell of my pits, it gets her “in the mood” and very excited. She falls asleep with her face in my pit.pheromones I tell ya.
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