Why are twin studies performed in genetics

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Twin studies use twins to determine the interplay of nature-genetic and nurture-environment and disease and its treatment. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-twin-studies-performed-in-genetics ]
More Answers to “Why are twin studies performed in genetics
Why are twin studies valuable in behavioral genetics research??
if both twins have the same types of behavior it could be because of genetics.if they studied only one person with lets say a very organized person.they cant possibly know if its ibc of there genes, but two people with same genes have that …
Why twin studies and adoption studies are used to understand gene…?
Identical twins have the same genetic material, so the study of monozygotic (identical) twins that were reared apart (ie separate families) provides insight into the impact of the environment for differences, and the impact of “nature”…
How is the twin method used to study genetic influences??
By looking at identical twins (ie 100% same genetically) who have been separated and raised in different environments researchers can determine the effect of genes vs environment.

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three bio questions help……?
Q: 1.summerize the evidence that led to the cromosome therory of heredity2.what patterns of inheritance do not follow mendel’s laws3.why are twin studies performed in genetics
A: 1) Mendel studied pea plants. He cross bred different colored and different shaped pea plants. This initially resulted in all dominant phenotypes being present in the first generation of offspring, and then hybrids in the second generation.2) Genes that are not linked to each other will not follow Mendel’s Law, but instead will follow the Law of Independent Assortment. If the gene for the size of a person’s skull and the gene for the size of a person’s liver are not on the same locus, they will express no relationship to each other in a species. (I think that is the answer)3) Scientists like to compare organisms with similar chromosomes and genes in order to view how much of an impacts genes actually have on an organism; they want to view how similar organisms with similar genes will react and be affected by the tests performed on them.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! Psychology help!!!!?
Q: Why do psychologists perform twin studies in order to determine the influence of genetics on intelligence?A.) Because twins tend to have more environmental commonalitiesB.) Because twins tend to be more open to strangers, such as researchersC.)Because twins share the same genetic makeupD.)Because twins have the same IQ
A: Cthat wasnt too hard
help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Q: 1. The study and measurement of intelligence has been an important research topic for nearly ________ years. (1 point)101001,00010,0002. The two major theories on intelligence you read about in this lesson came from Howard Gardner and _________. (1 point)Robert SternbergHenry RorschachJean PiagetAlfred Binet3. Howard Gardner proposed a theory of ______________. (1 point)standardized IQ testingtriarchic intelligencegenetic influence on intelligencemultiple intelligences4. According to Gardner, an English professor probably possesses both inter-personal and __________ intelligence or ability. (1 point)physicalintra-personallinguisticvisual/spatial5. Intelligence is a combination of the ability to learn, ___________, and solve problems. (1 point)memorizemanipulate languageperceive problemspose problems6. ________________ believe that intelligence is largely determined by genetics. (1 point)EnvironmentalistsTriarchic theoristsHereditariansMonozygotics7. _____________ influences can be separated into shared and non-shared. (1 point)GeneticEnvironmentalIntellectualCultural8. Why do psychologists perform twin studies in order to determine the influence of genetics on intelligence? (1 point)Because twins tend to have more environmental commonalitiesBecause twins tend to be more open to strangers, such as researchersBecause twins share the same genetic makeupBecause twins have the same IQ9. Binet observed that the gaps between children’s mental age and their chronological age ____________ as they got older. (1 point)widenednarrowedstayed the samedisappeared10. IQ was originally used to detect persons of ____________ intelligence. (1 point)lowerhigheraveragegenius
A: 1.B2.A3.D4.C5.D6.C7.B8.C9.A10.AI’m 100% sure, I just took the test. Maybe me and you can exchange answers sometime 🙂
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