Why are embryonic stem cells important

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are embryonic stem cells important”,you can compare them.

Diseases might be treated using embryonic stem cells include Parkinson’s, diabetes, spinal cord injury, vision and hearing loss. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-embryonic-stem-cells-important ]
More Answers to “Why are embryonic stem cells important
・ In 1964, researchers studying a particularly virulent form of cancer discovered that one of the reasons… ・ An embryonic stem cell is a sort of “blank” cell, one that can be programmed to grow into any other type… ・ One of …
In my opinion to argue against SCNT is a mute point for those who believe the IVF process okay. With the IVF process you are creating many embryos for the sake of one. Fertilization and conception take place. With SCNT it does not. I don’t …
Diseases might be treated using embryonic stem cells include Parkinson’s, diabetes, spinal cord injury, vision and hearing loss.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you believe stem cells have an important role to play in medicine in the coming decade?Why?
Q: Stems cells are multipotent and can become a variety of different nerve cells and/or glial cells. They have also become quite controversial in the last decade. The reason is that embryonic stem cells can be derived from destroyed embryos. do u think stem cell might be useful in medicine?
A: As John stated, we need to be cautious of thinking of these things as miracle cures, because certain people like to push for certain outcomes. Yes, they may be useful for medicine as may be many other things, but does that mean it is morally justified ? and please, to those that wish to remove morality from mdeicine, remember that you are talking about humans ! and there is something called humanity in humans.
What is wrong with embryonic stem cell research?
Q: I have type 1 diabetes and I think it’s an important step in finding a cure. When they do this don’t they put an unused egg and unused sperm together? The materials would go unused any way and even if it were to be used for a person they could still die in the womb. Abortion ends life and is legal while stem cells are only the potential for life. Even if the fetus was born they could end up with very poor quality of life, while with stem cell research can improve quality of life. So why do people oppose stem cell research so much?
A: All, research has the potential to go over board, or do so unethically. I think stem cell research, is important, but needs to be watched. Hitler’s doctors, did research that could and has helped advance medical treatments, but in doing so his doctors tortured millions of people, in their research. Our own government IE the USA did studies on syphilis and the effect on black men, in the later 50’s. People are afraid that if not careful stem cell research will cross the line of being ethical. And there are still others who believe that as soon as the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it is a human being, and fully alive, and have all the rights to be protected. What makes it hard in the USA is the Contradiction in our laws. A woman who is 2 months pregnant, and hit by a drunk driver, the driver will be charged with 2 counts of murder in the 2nd degree. But if she choices she is unable to care properly for her unborn child she can have an abortion, within the first 3 months of getting pregnant. We need a balance on both sides. People who fight to do the research, and people who make sure they do so ethically.
Why are the troops’ lives LESS important than a CELL that can’t see, hear, feel or FART?!?
Q: Why does Bush think it’s ok to send thousands of young troops to die in a pointless war, obviously driven by the lust for oil and power, and is ‘just appalled’ at the idea of using embryonic stem cells in research that could potentially cure some horrible diseases? Anyone have any theories?
A: Wish I had a good answer for that, but I don’t seem to.
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