What will evolve from humans

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Humans will evolve into more sophisticated beings. They will live longer and become more resistant to disease. We may see designer children, with genes coming from three parents. The result? Attractive, smart, genetically manipulated superkids! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-evolve-from-humans ]
More Answers to “What will evolve from humans
What will evolve from humans
Humans will evolve into more sophisticated beings. They will live longer and become more resistant to disease. We may see designer children, with genes coming from three parents. The result? Attractive, smart, genetically manipulated sup…
How did humans evolve?
Scientists believe that humans have evolved over a long period of time starting out as apes. The Bible clearly says that God created man and woman in one day, so that’s what I believe.
What did humans evolve from?
Evolution vs Creation has been an ongoing argument for many years. According to evolutionist humans derived from apes. Creation believes human were created by God. One of the main points of this argument is regarding the evolutionary proc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If man evolved from monkeys, then what do you think will evolve from humans?
A: I honestly believe our next step in evolution is alien life. I mean, if you look at the concept of Greys, taking into accont that we tend to evolve specific traits for our environment. We no longer need to worry about predators, so. . .Big head – bigger brain, more complex thought process.Large eyes, small nose, small mouth – we very much need to see, and in a room full of technology have little need to smell or eat much.Thin, muscleless bodies – what physical work do we need in a world full of robots and computers? They’ve proven our bones are gradually becoming smaller. Very ancient people were shown to have stronger and thicker femurs, while ours are becoming thinner and more brittle.Long fingers – better for working with technology. Our fingers need little strength anymore, and longer, thinner fingers are perfect for typing on a computer or messing with wires.Grey skin – I believe this could be explained by lack of exposure to outside environment.I believe it’s very likely that someday we might look more and more like aliens. I think I’ve heard theories that we’re simply primitive forms of them, and that’s why they come here and experiment on us. I mean, if we had a chance to prod at some cavemen, wouldn’t we take the chance?
So if we evolved from monkeys, what will humans evolve in to?
A: We did NOT evolve from monkeys. Humans and great apes had a common ancestor about 5 million years ago. Humans and monkeys had a common ancestor about 50 million years ago. Nowhere, except in the most illiterate anti-evolution literature, will you find a claim that humans evolved from monkeys. So to be perfectly clear – humans and monkeys share a common ancestor that gave rise to both. Think of evolution as a branching pattern. Humans are one branch of the tree. Monkeys are another branch. To answer the second part of your question, evolution theory’s predictive powers are limited because the system it seeks to understand is inherently dynamical and unpredictable. In other words, we can’t predict with any degree of accuracy what humans will evolve into, and unless human populations become isolated from each other for a very long period of time, there is no reason to suspect future humans will be much different from us. Speculating about human cyborgs or anything like that is only science fiction at this time, not evolution.
If humans evolved from apes, then will other animals also evolve into human-like species?
Q: I was told that the Bible is not made to be historically accurate, but spiritually accurate. If this is true, then humans really did evolve from apes. So that made me wonder, will other animals evolve into more intelligent species? Like civilized dogs, cows, or llamas. What would the world come to then? Would animals have jobs and income, pay taxes, live in houses, and drive cars? Also, would there be new species formed, like if a human person married a human dog? (I know that’s really gross to think of, but if they’re both human, then who knows what could happen?) Another question is, do you think that humans may also evolve into creatures of different sizes or shapes?Hey I didn’t mean that they would actually evolve INTO humans, just highly intelligent life-forms with similar brains as humans. For example, elephants might evolve into highly-intelligent elephants who think the same way as humans, but they just look like elephants instead of people, get it??
A: 1) We didn’t evolve from apes. We evolved from hominids, which evolved from animals that had traits shared by both apes and humans, but were neither.2) There is no way of determining how certain animals will wind up evolving. There are just too many factors that would have to be guessed at. For just one thing, evolution happens fastest after a mass extinction, which has yet to happen in the existence of humans. We can’t even know for sure if, when, or how the next mass extinction will occur. Not to mention which animals will adapt and evolve, or how.3) Although we cannot predict how evolution will progress, we can detect how it went, and then make educated guesses as to why. For example, the Yanoconodon was a small, rodent like mammal that lived during the age of dinosaurs. The dinosaurs died out as a result of a massive asteroid impact off of what is now the coast of Yucatan, Mexico. Hundreds of millions of tons of rock and debris was thrown up into the atmosphere. As this debris rained back down, it heated up, raising the ambient temperature of the earth to scorching levels. Yanoconodon and other animals like him would have a better chance of survival because they were burrowing creatures, and coud have escaped the heat above ground. Later, when this heat dissipated and the dust continued to block the sun, there would have been a long ice age. In this instance as well, small burrowers would have a better chance of survival. But there is still no way to accurately predict how these small creatures would eventually evolve.http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070314/sc_nm/mammal_fossil_dc;_ylt=AmMyOFEsUNHgsgTLF9J9E2cPLBIFEl Chistoso
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