What is The relationship between mitosis and cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is The relationship between mitosis and cancer”,you can compare them.

Cancer is essentially a disease of mitosis – the normal ‘checkpoints’ regulating mitosis are ignored or overridden by the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-relationship-between-mitosis-and-cancer ]
More Answers to “What is The relationship between mitosis and cancer
Cancer is essentially a disease of mitosis – the normal ‘checkpoints’ regulating mitosis are ignored or overridden by the MORE?
mitosis is when cells split and become more and more . . . cancer does the same thing, cancer cells split and become more and spread throughout the body.
Mitosis is the replication of cells. Cancer is basically mitosis that is out of control. Often, the DNA that controls cell growth mutates and there is no longer anything to tell the cells to stop growing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the relationship between cancer and mitosis?
A: cancer is the uncontrollable growth and reproduction of cells(mitosis) the only difference is that cancer cells dont contribute to the body, they take up oxygen and contaminate good cell and give no work.
what is the relationship between mitosis and cancer?
A: mitosis is when cells split and become more and more . . . cancer does the same thing, cancer cells split and become more and spread throughout the body.
i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Q: what is the relationship between cancer and mitosis
A: First, chill out on the exclamation marks, they make you look semi-literate.Second, jump on over to wikipedia.org and do your own homework.
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