What is the nastiest disease ever

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Depends on your perspective. Some say that AIDS is the worst, nastiest disease ever, while some say that title belongs to the bubonic plague, a.k.a. “The Black Death.” Robert Sapolsky says depression is the worst disease you can get. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-nastiest-disease-ever ]
More Answers to “What is the nastiest disease ever
What is the nastiest disease?
There are so many, but probably most people would say that the nastiest disease was the “Black Death”, which may have been the Bubonic plague. According to WikiPedia, “The total number of deaths worldwide is estimated at 75 m…
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A: Cancer and ebola
HELP ME REWORD THIS PLEASE!!!!!!!!MY teacher thinks it copied and its not so please help!?
Q: Ok i wrote this and my teacher thinks its copied but its not. and idk how to reword something i already have.. can someone please HELP!!!Coccidiosis: Coccidiosis is a very bad and nasty disease caused by microscopic animals or protozo’s. Its symptoms are as following diarrhea and unthriftiness. Even thoe theres been much reaserch its still the most effective and costly disease of the poltury world/ industirie. Coccidiosis is a microsopic animal, There are many species that can infect animals and humans. After an outbreak of a specific species of this diease the flock/birds will become resistant. This Meaning the flock/birds may go thrue several out breaks of coccdiosis, each being caused by a diffrent species of coccidios. Chickens ae able to get any of the nine forms of coccidios species. Quails are also able to get at least four species also. Coccidios is transmitted by direct or indrect contact with dropping from the infected birds.When a bird eats or injestitds coccidia, the organisms invades the linning of the intestines and produce tissue damage as they go thrue reproduction. After about a week of infection the coccidia sheds there immature egss/children that are known as oocysts. Eukaryotes are what they are because they all have a nucleus. Theyre are no physical sign that an animal has this diease.The main host for this protozoa is usaly chickens and kittens. It spreads thru the droppings.Blackhead:Blackhead’s a nasty and bad disease that affects the liver.This disease shows up where ever polutry/birds are. Blackhead is one of the critical diseases of growing turkeys and game birds. It may cause stunded growth, poor eating and even death. In the world of the economy since chickens are more resistant,but the incidence in chickens apparntly is increasing. Chickens are frequently becoming infected and are not showing signs of becoming infected. These chickens may shed “LARGE” numbers of blackheads. Many of these organisms are protected by a worm eggs. Blackhead is one of the critical diseases of growing turkeys and game birds. Its can be fadel dieases if not treated.ICH: White spot disease:This protozoan disease is found in fresh water enviroments and is is very effective to fish. Ich is a common name for the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (aka a realy long name) and the disease that it causes. This parasite is capable of killing large numbers of fish in a very short period of time. Early diagnosis and treatment are majorly needed for controlling Ich and keeping the number of fish losses down.Fish with Ich may be observed making quick rubbing or scratching movements on objects or on the bottem of the pond. This behavior is sometimes called “Flashing” because of the quick and un-expected exposure of the fish’s light-colored belly as it rolls during movements. Fish infected with “Ich” may have white specks on their skin as though they were sprinkled with salt. Because of this appearance, Ich is sometimes called white spot disease. The skin of the fish also bumpy.
A: wow…… ok i tried to reword it. I also fixed all your grammer errors and all the other errors. hope this helps.Coccidiosis:Coccidiosis is a terrible and spiteful disease caused by microscopic animals, or protozoa. Its symptoms include diarrhea and unthrift ness. Even though there’s been much research, it’s the most effective and pricey disease of the poultry world and industry. Coccidiosis is a microscopic animal. There are many species that can pass on a disease to animals and humans. After an occurrence of this disease, the flock or birds will become resistant. This means the flock or birds may go through quite a few outbreaks of coccidiosis, each being caused by different species of coccidian. Chickens can acquire any of the nine forms of coccidiosis species. Quails are also able to get at least four species. Coccidiosis is transmitted by direct or indirect contact with feces from the contaminated birds. When a bird eats coccidian, the organisms invade the lining of the intestines and produce tissue damage as they go through reproduction. After about a week of infection, the coccidia shed their undeveloped eggs that are known as oocysts. Eukaryotes are what they are because they all have a nucleus. There are no physical sign that an animal has this disease. The main hosts for these protozoa are usually chicken and kittens.Blackhead:Blackhead’s a nasty and bad disease that affects the liver. This disease shows up wherever poultry and birds are located. Blackhead is one of the critical diseases of growing turkeys and game birds. It may cause stunted growth, poor eating and even death. In the world of economy, chickens are more resistant, but the incidence in chickens’ apparently is increasing. Chicken are frequently becoming infected and are not showing signs of becoming infected. These chickens may shed large amounts of blackheads. Many of these organisms are protected by worm eggs. Blackhead is one of the serious diseases of growing turkeys and game birds. Its can be fatal disease if not treated in time, or correctly. ICH: White spot disease:These protozoan diseases are found in fresh water environments and are very effective to fish, not in a good way. Ich is a general name for the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and the disease. This parasite is able to kill large quantity of fish in a short time. Early diagnosis and treatment are needed for controlling Ich, and keeping the number of fish losses down. Fish with Ich may be observed making quick rubbing or scratching movements on objects or on the bottom of the pond. This behavior is sometimes called flashing, because of the quick and un-expected exposure of the fish’s light-colored belly as it rolls during movements. Fish infected with “Ich” may have white specks on their skin as though they were sprinkled with salt, and the skin of the fish would appear bumpy. Because of this appearance, Ich is occasionally called white spot disease.
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