What is Dieldrin

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Tsetse flies and other carriers of tropical diseases. Chemical formula: C12H8Cl6O. Thanks for using ChaCha, keep on texting! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-dieldrin ]
More Answers to “What is Dieldrin
What is Dieldrin?
Dieldrin is an insecticide and a by-product of the pesticide Aldrin. From 1950 to 1974, dieldrin was widely used to control insects on cotton, corn and citrus crops. Also, dieldrin was used to control locusts and mosquitoes, as a wood prese…
Is Dieldrin in Great Lakes fish?
Concentrations of dieldrin in lake trout appear to be declining in all Lakes and are lowest in Lake Superior and highest in Lake Michigan. Concentrations in Lake Erie walleye were the lowest of all lakes.
How did the pesticide dieldrin work?
It attacked the synaptic nerves of insects. That means that they lost control of all their body movements. Pooped,peed.twitched,until they died, It has very similar mode of action to Organophophates and Carbimates. All of these pesticides a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Given the following info, what is the molecular formula of the insecticide dieldrin?
Q: Contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine. Upon complete combustion, a 1.510-g sample yields 2.094g CO2(2 in subscript) and 0.286g H2O(2 in subscript). The compound has a molecular mass of 381u and half as many chlorine atoms as carbon atoms.
A: moles CO2 = 2.094 g/ 44.009 g/mol= 0.04758mass C = 0.04758 x 12.011 g/mol=0.5715 gmoles H = 2 x 0.286/ 18.02 g/mol=0.0317 mass H = 0.0317 mol x 1.008 g/mol=0.0319 gmoles Cl = 0.04758/2=0.02379mass Cl = 0.02379 x 35.453 g/mol=0.8434 gmass O = 1.510 – ( 0.8434+ 0.0319 +0.5715)=0.0632 gmoles O = 0.0632 g/ 15.999 g/mol=0.00395C 0.04758 H 0.0317 Cl 0.02379 O 0.00395divide by the smallest numberC12 H 8 Cl6 O ( molar mass = 381 u)
what is the difference between DDT and Dieldrin?
Q: this is a simple question. do not use scientfic terms. plan layman language
A: They are similar in that they are both chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons. Think ring carbon structure and then oxidizing it with a powerful oxidizer like chlorine. Also, hey are both insecticides that are stable or persistent in the environment, hence their bad rep.Differences. Hmmm? DDT has five chlorines while dieldrin has six. DDT has two rings (derived from benzene)but they are not fused, while Dieldrin has two fused rings (derived from napthalene).I’m sure there is more, such as they mode of reaction, but someone else will have to help.
Herbicides/poisons : Agent Orange. (Real name 245-T and 24-D) Also Dieldrin. Can it be removed?
Q: In my local area, a new planned housing estate is to be developed on an area of land that was used in experimental agriculture. During that time some years ago, herbicides (now banned) of DDT, Dieldrin, and Agent Orange (245-T and 24 D) were used. It is claimed that the soil still has significant traces.This has been alerted to the public by a former employee that speaks of high counts of cancer among former employees. Recently, a person said in the local media, that these chemicals can be “easily” removed from the soil. I do not believe it. In Vietnam to this day children are being born with horrific birth defects as a result of chemicals not used in 40 years, and well water tested still has way beyond accepted safe levels of the poison. In spite of millions poured in with foreign aid, the problem continues.What I am seeking to support my argument, or to prove me wrong, is any information relating to the following….* Can it be removed/cleaned up and how… cost?* Evidence of it’s residual aspects and harm caused* Evidence of proven links with birth defects or health issues* any sources relating to World Health Organization or similar that has researched Agent Orange long term effects.Thanks.
A: no
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